
Sunday, March 10, 2013

Made in an Hour and NO FBA! and Sunday Notes

I got up this morning and fixed my coffee and 2 pieces of raisin toast and checked to see if anyone besides Phylly commented on my blog. 


As I was checking my email, I noticed that the time on the computer was 8:30!  I was SHOCKED!  I had only been up a few minutes and I got up at 7.  I hurriedly logged onto and then went to GETV, but nothing was there.  Just some advertisements.  Then it dawned on me that the time changed last night.  I decided that I must have missed the entire service, but that didn't make sense since it lasts at least an hour and a half.

I then went around changing the time on clocks.  As I was doing that, I vaguely recalled that John Hagee Ministries tells the congregation not to change their clocks at midnight.  He tells them to wait until Noon the next day, which is always Sunday.  So church after a time change is still the same time as the week before.  Brilliant!!!  By the next week, everyone is used to the new time, and all clocks are changed. 

So, at the OLD 8:30, which was now 9:30, the service started.  I believe it was called The Feast of Pentecost.  It was excellent.  John Hagee is extremely knowledgeable about the Bible and how the Old Testament relates to the New Testament.  He was talking about the Upper Room and tongues of fire and where in the Old Testament they were referred to.  Very interesting.

The sermon was to direct us to the undertanding that some Christians are saved, but they don't live a committed life to God.  This is so true in my own family.  And if Jerry and I bring it up to anyone who may be OBVIOUSLY living in sin and what effect it is having on them, they rebel, reject and run away.  John was saying that PARENTS have a responsiblity to WITNESS to their families, and not just overlook their sin.  I can tell you -- and my family will tell you -- I certainly pass that "test". 

Hagee said, "To see sin and not call it sin, is sin!

Hagee said, "To see evil and not call it evil, is evil!

I totally agree. 

The thing is, if you point out to your sibling, or your child or your grandchild that what they are doing is sin, they IMMEDIATELY accuse you of "not being perfect".  That is their "go to" response.  So since I am not perfect in any way, shape or form, I therefore cannot witness to anyone.  That belief shoots everyone down, doesn't it???? 

The sermon was very good!  Listen to it if you get a chance at and GETV archives.

So, after church, I began working on a new Louise Cutting pattern called "My Hearts A'Flutter".  That actually -- according to Phylly and I -- should be "My Heart's Aflutter", but nobody asked us.  "Aflutter" is actually a word, and it doesn't need an apostrophe. 

I found some cute slinky fabric in my closet after Phylly commented yesterday that I HAD fabric in that closet.  I said, "Oh, that is just for quilting."  After a closer look, I discovered several large pieces.  I gave her a few of them, and I pulled out this darling pink silky stuff with black dots on it.  Phylly and I fitted our paper patterns yesterday, so I was ready to cut out today.

Only problem is I made a MAJOR mistake! 

Phylly was suppose to find it, but she didn't!  She IS a professional, you know.

I had to do a Full Bust Adjustment, of course, but the dart in this blouse -- unlike any I've ever made before -- was in the armhole.  I made the huge bust dart at the side, and I was SUPPOSE to move it up into the armhole, but I forgot.  So when I went to face the armhole, it was way too big for the facing.  So, this little number is landing in the trash, and I will start over tomorrow.

Not only that, I could get into this blouse twice, I think.  Louise really likes a LOT of ease. 
I just finished moving that dart back up into the armhole, and cutting my paper pattern down to a smaller size.
I'll keep you posted.  OH!  The blouse isn't that short.  It has a peplum on it.  Let me get you a picture of the pattern real quick!  Hold on....................

See the bust dart there in the armhole?  Mine is WAY wrong!

I did, however, complete something this weekend, and it did NOT require a Full Bust Adjustment.  I made it in less than an hour, and I am really enjoying it.

On the right of the picture, is the pillowcase I rescued from Jerry's Mom's house last summer.  I had never had a slinky pillowcase, so I thought I would try it.  Obviously, you can see I haven't slept on anything but that since I found it!  It is threadbare and has many holes in it.  I decided to take some of the satin fabric I had purchased for camisoles and use it for a new pillowcase.  I put a ribbon around it, and it is wonderful!  I am certainly going to make more of these. 

Better get.  Time to make a pork chop for supper.  I just purchased Angela Wolf's new serger class, so I will watch it while cooking.

Have a MARVELOUS week, my friends!


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Hugs, Joy