
Friday, March 29, 2013

My New Janome 1000CPX Cover Stitch Machine

YES!!!  After many frustrating phone calls to "Sleepy" at the sewing machine store where I had to order my cover stitch machine, I FINALLY decided to just go get it.  Sleepy was supposed to deliver it to the store where I ordered it which is many miles closer to my house, but...........  It seems Sleepy was out getting checks, and the only other employee who was less knowledgeable than a rock couldn't tell me anything at all about my machine or when it might arrive.  When I made my last call, the same unhelpful employee answered and told me that my machine WAS there.

I said, "Why didn't you call me?"  "I've been waiting all week for the call, and I've called over and over."

"Well, Charity isn't here right now."

And, of course, I WANTED TO SAY, "And your arm is broken and you can't lift the phone yourself, OR WHAT!!!???

I begged Jerry to come with me in case I got the urge to wake Sleepy up, and he agreed he probably should come. 

We arrived to find Sleepy and the unhelpful employee standing together with a little dog running around between their legs.  My new machine was sitting right there inside the front door, and we couldn't help but notice it. 

Jerry looked around and said to me, "Why did you buy this from here?" (referring to the fact that it was a pretty shabby looking place, and they also sell vacuum cleaners).  VERY unlike B-Sew Inn and Bernina stores where Jerry has been with me in the past.  I told him to be glad the sun was shining because if it was like their other store, it was so dark inside, you could hardly make out the machines.

As the little dog ran back and forth all over the place (I hate that!), I asked if the box on the floor was my machine.   Sleepy said, "Yes."  Jerry picked up the box, and we left.

JIC you think I hate dogs, I better clarify.  I LOVE dogs.  I had a dog all the time when I was growing up.  Just one at a time, but I had 3 dogs named Jolly.  Everything living in our house had to have a "J" name except for Mom and Dad.  I would have two dogs now if I didn't already haul two cats back and forth between our two houses.  It is the running all over the place and jumping on me by animals I don't know that I don't like.  Especially, in a place of business. 

Jerry put the box in the trunk of my car, and I actually forgot about it until late last night.  I asked Jerry to go out and bring it in, and we opened it.  Here are some pics I took -- as I always do -- of everything that came in the box.

Box opened:

Notice the manual right there on top.  One lady -- somewhere -- said her machine didn't come with a manual.  My guess is the store removed it from the box, because there is one in it.  I always photograph things like this IN CASE I have to put the stuff back inside the box and ship it somewhere.

Here is what comes with the machine:

 Here is what is inside that little platic box:

Here is the back of the machine.  NOTICE the 4 spools of thread and the machine already threaded!  I loved this, because Sleepy didn't know for sure how to thread it, and the employees didn't even know what a cover stitch machine was!
And this is the front of the machine:

The machine has two VERY HELPFUL guides, and it is a good thing it does because the manual sure doesn't have them.

I wonder what that little lever is at the bottom of the quide on the right here. 

Can anyone see a DIFFERENCE in the two drawings above the little slider bar?????  

Those two little pictures at the very bottom look EXACTLY the same to me.

Do you suppose they are related to the garment drawings at the top?  Looks like a tee shirt and a camisole.

If you know, please tell me!

This is a real nice cover EXCEPT there is no pocket in it to put the foot control or the little plastic box.  I may sew some on myself.
I made two short little videos today.  I look awful in them.  I was so anxious to try it out, I just put a hoodie on over my jammies and set up the camera.  SUCH FUN!!!  You HAVE to get one!

Here are the videos.  Please pardon the Gravel Girty look.  I was too excited to wait.

Here is video #1 showing a 3-needle coverstitch.  I sew over a BIG hump, and no skipped stitches! 

And here is video #2 showing the chain stitch with one needle:

That is it.  I will do reviews at Stitcher's Guild and Pattern Review later.  Hubby says we have to go somewhere to buy something ELSE to go with his new TV.  Will it EVER end!?

Hugs, Joy


  1. You will LOVE your coverstitch! I have the 900 and would not give it up for anything.

    As far as the switch-look really closely and you'll see a difference. The left side has no small loops(on the reverse) between stitches and the one on the right does. My guess is left-no loops-wovens and right-loops-stretch. The loops are there to allow the stitching to stretch. HTH

  2. Now I know why I didn't hear from you today; you were busy playing with your new baby! I'm really glad you like it.
    Happy Sewing!
    Hugs, Phylly

  3. Oh Joy you will have so much fun with this machine. A Coverpro 1000 folled me home 8 years ago and I love it.
    The "x" function I think tightends the looper for thicker fabrics and loosens for very stretchy fabrics.

    Accessories that I would not be without extension table helps support biiger garments and reduce drag. Binders - love love my binders. I did buy the Janome B binder set (very expensive in this part of the world) That gave me the plate, binder and the shorter foot which you need for good binding experience. I have a selection of A and B binders bought from Sharp sewing on Ebay - dont expect any communication but prices are good and I have always received my orders within a month.
    The chain stitch is great for whipping up toille and very easy to remove, I have used it as a decorative stitch looper side up and variegated thread.
    There is a trick to removing and tying off your threads when you sew in the "round". Stop, raise your needles to highest position, lift the presser foot to release the thread tension and then using a pin,awl, or small screw driver pull a loop of the needle threads towards yourself so that when you cut the loop you will have 2" of thread tail from needles and from fabric. THEN pull your sewing to the back. Your needle threads should be pull to the back and you can tie off with the looper thread to stop the chain unravelling. A friend DH made us a very useful tool to hold the binding material. photo here if you are interested
    If I can be of any help PM via PR or Stitches guild
    Re skipped stitches I usually get those when my needles need changing and remember the CP uses Schmetz EL system needles.

    Have lots of fun playing :)


    1. I looked at your pictures, Skye. I can't figure out what the little tool is though.

      I saw that pretty purple/pink sundress and jacket. Darling! Did you put the binding on the jacket with your CP? I must go get that attachment. I think they had it at the first store I went to. I ordered and paid for the table the same day as the machine, but I haven't seen it yet. It is probably there and nobody has a clue who it belongs to. I'll call them AGAIN tomorrow.

      Thanks for all the tips!

      Hugs, Joy

    2. Yes the purple and pink sundress is a sretch cotten woven that I bound using a A binder.
      The little gizmo is the wooden block with a piece of dowle to hold and support the binding going into the binder.
      When you are binding remember to turn the diff to 0 - ask me how I know that! Forgot in the above jacket and didn't have anymore fabric so have to live with the front riding up a bit.

      I am thinking about getting the elastic apliction foot too - I think there are 2 sizes - got to do some research about that first as a similar foot for my serger might be more useful.


  4. Joy, I don't think you are supposed to "sew on air" on the coverstitch machines. You might want to check this out on Pattern Review or Youtube. In the manual they show starting on a scrap fabric piece and ending with a scrap fabric piece as well. Of course if you are "sewing in the round" that's sort of a moot point. I don't know if it would hurt your machine or not to sew on and off the fabric. It is not exactly like a serger on this point.

    1. BTW: Enjoy your new machine. I have the exact same machine and really love it.


  5. I'm going to guess that the switch in question does go with the pictures above. If you notice the left position is outlined in dashes, as are the pictures above on the left. Similar with the right position and right-side pictures - only with solid outline. And the numbers are tension settings and needle positions. Yellow = left needle, blue = center needle, red = right needle, green = looper.

    I don't have one, but have been thinking....I don't have anywhere to walk in and try one out either, even at the Janome dealer.

  6. Hi Joy. I found your blog via youtube and you are so funny and informative. The fit of your garments is amazing. I will definitely follow this amazing blog.

    re: the switch/2 different pictures
    The pic of the long sleeved top is a heavy knit/woven fabric and the tank pic is of a lighter weight knit/woven fabric. You are to flip the switch to select the fabric weight. I don't have the Janome but own the Elna 444 and it has the same feature. Enjoy your new toy.

  7. Really good - loved the vidoes. I am going to check out this cover stitch machine at my local shop very soon. (UK)

  8. Hi Joy.It's now more dan one year you have your machine are you still happy with it?Is it difficult to have the right tension when going from heavy to light fabric.Or just folowing the numbers Janome give on the plate is OK?Thank you for your blog.
    Tina (from Belgium)

  9. Yes, Tina from Belgium. I still love the coverstitch machine. I am ashamed to say I have used it only for hemming because it does so many other things. There are some really good thorough you tube videos. If you will google "how to use Janome Coverstitch 1000 CPX", you will see a bunch of them. There are 4 parts (maybe more) to a Japanese language video, but it is VERY GOOD and VERY EASY to understand even though you can't understand a word the man says. It is very well done. Hugs, Joy

  10. Hi Joy,
    I love my 1000cpx. Did you ever get an explanation of the STS diagram on the front of the machine? Is the left column for heavy knits & the right for light knits or is one column for wovens & the other for knits?
    thx, Carroll Thatcher

    1. No, I NEVER did find out what the columns are for. Doesn't seem to make a difference. I use the same setting for all my knits, so far.


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Hugs, Joy