
Monday, April 1, 2013

Back Home Again

Finally, we got back home.  We have started to leave so many times, and something kept coming up.  Even today which we thought FOR SURE would be the day, and NOTHING to distract us.  But NO!  I was loading my sewing boxes in the car, and my husband came out to announce that he had discovered a leak in the underground sprinkler system.  I wanted him to call someone to come fix it.  He wanted to turn the system off.  I didn't want the lawn to croak from lack of water.  We argued, and I decided I would just stay there FOREVER!  Finally, Jerry discovered how to turn off just that one sprinkler head and leave the rest on.  I decided that was an acceptable solution, and we came home.

So, here I am -- upstairs -- in my recliner -- watching Dancing with the Stars on the big screen.  I was afraid I might have to crawl up the stairs, but I didn't.  My legs still remember.

Peggy Sagers comes on at 8:00 tonight.  She is going to talk about sleeves.  My favorite pattern of hers is the pattern-of-the-month, and she is going to show different ways to make it.  Now, if I can just watch two shows at the same time!  If you don't know about Peggy's every other week one-hour internet video, you can go to  All of the previous shows are available there any time you want to see them.  I've watched some 3 and 4 times.

ANDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD, I have two more muslins to show you.  Maybe tomorrow.  Maybe not.  I may have to go to the store and catch up on a few things.

Gotta go for now.

Hugs, Joy


  1. Hi Joy, I'm glad you were able to fix your sprinkler problem and make it home!! I watched Peggy last night enjoyed her webcast. I am new to Silhouettes Patterns, however I did order
    # 600 and #575 I hope I have good luck with them.

    Looking forward to seeing your new muslins!!

    P.S. Hope you had a wonderful Easter!!


    1. Hi Sharlene,

      I have tried many of Peggy's patterns. Let me tell you one thing I learned recently. The armholes in the "W" sizes are quite a bit bigger than the other sizes. If you don't want big armholes, use the regular numbers and adjust in the side seams if you need more circumference. I LOVE the bust sizes.

      I watched her last night too. Never did understand HOW she shortened the armholes 1/2 inch to make the blouse sleeveless. I really appreciate all her tips and her cheerfulness.

      Hugs, Joy

    2. Thanks Joy for the tip on Peggy's patterns, I have been reading reviews therefore I hope I made the right decision in purchasing them. I will be using the 1-4 patterns and try to adjust my sleeves.



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Hugs, Joy