
Monday, March 4, 2013

Phylly Surprised Me Today

Remember Muslin #1 that I made at the Louise Cutting Retreat in Tulsa.  I loved the fabric, but the blouse just did not fit me well enough to wear.  It kept pulling to the back, and it hiked up at the front hem.  I was going to throw it away, but Phylly asked me to retrieve it from the trash and let her try to use it.

Phylly and I couldn't wait to get together for lunch today at TGIF.  She had a hard weekend with her 3 grandkids who stay with her every weekend, and I had a horrible time with the Window World boss this morning.  Windows STILL not here.  It has been 28 days.  I will spare you the details, as it took me six pages just to record them this morning. 

When Phylly got out of her car, guess what she had on????

Yep!  That is my original Muslin #1 of Relax A Little.  I love that fabric, and I really hated to toss it.  I'm so glad Phylly fits into LC patterns with only an FBA.  I had done an FBA in this, so it was plenty big for her.  She is so much shorter than I am, that the length was just right for her too.  All she had to do was put buttons and buttonholes.

The pants are from her Sure-fit Designs Pants Kit.  Nice crotch in those!  She could make the legs a little narrower, and I think she did that in her next pair.  Isn't she cute? 

I came back from lunch and I sewed all afternoon, although I sure don't have much to show for it.  I made so many errors, I was beginning to wonder if I even know how to sew at all!  I sewed the two fronts on the wrong shoulder of the back piece.  When I looked at the blouse to match up the side seams, they were hanging down center front, and center fronts were hanging down the sides!  Thank goodness, I had enough fabric to cut another back and front from my muslin fabric.  I will have to make a very short sleeve, but it may be wearable. 

Maybe pics tomorrow.

I will show you the fabric I am getting ready to make though.  You remember my new red pants.  How can you forget bright red pants?  I just happened to have this gorgeous fabric in my stash, so it will soon be a blouse to go with the red pants.

Isn't it wonderful to be able to sew?  I'm so glad I have stuck with it until I am now happy with most finished garments and the way they fit.

Peggy is on tonight.  She is going to talk about linings.  I'm going to get in my jammies and get set up in my glider.  It will be my "movie" tonight.

Happy sewing or whatever it is you like to do!

Hugs, Joy


  1. Love that poppy fabric - need an envy icon :)
    I think it will look great with your lovely red pants.
    No sewing yesterday at my house DH is on holiday so we went out for lunch and shopped.


  2. Joy Joy, that poppy fabric is going to be beautiful with your red pants. Make a TNT pattern so you know you'll be able to wear it. Just gorgeous.

    I felt a bit funny wearing your wadder, but I thought it looked good on me and I really liked it. I'm glad you were happy that I was able to wear it. I really hated to see it go in the trash. You worked so hard in class on it.

    Skye, How lovely to have lunch and a shopping trip with DH. That doesn't happen with us. If we are lucky enough to have a Saturday free and go out for lunch together shopping would probably wind up at the hardware store. We are both dangerous in those places. For some reason I see all sorts of sewing uses in hardware. Of course, the big box stores have the decorating and organizing stuff, too. I may not be good at organizing, but I have the stuff for it. :-)

    Joy Joy, I'll see what I can do about Saturday. I need a day away from the kids. Problem is, so does Roger, even though its me that they all cling to. Sometimes I feel like I'm a sandwich and they are Saran Wrap.

    Hugs, Phylly

  3. Joy,I love the red pants.Is that pattern available? Can't wait to see the blouse you are making to go with them. So glad Phylly could wear your first muslin. I really like the fabric.When you said Peggy was on tonight were you talking about a video that you have or is there a TV program?

  4. Hi Anita,
    If you will scan back several posts, you will see the pants and the pattern. It is Cutting Line Designs new pattern called My Swing Set. I really like these pants! I have them on right now because I'm trying out new shoes to go with them.
    Hugs, Joy


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Hugs, Joy