
Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Girl Talk and Old Movies

I went to the store today, and I really enjoyed being there.  So nice to have WOMEN to talk to that actually like to talk back after they HEAR what you said. 

Why are men such poor listeners?  I guess it has to do with that whole Mars/Venus theory. 

While I was out to lunch, I even had a conversation with Kirk.  Remember him?  He is the contractor that worked on Jerry's Mom's house last Summer.  He and his "wife" -- who he isn't really married to but they have wedding rings and had a reception -- moved down here shortly after that job was finished.  What are the chances of that happening? 

Now, Kirk actually IS a good listener, and I really like him.  He is also an alcoholic, so maybe that makes him a good listener.  I was at the entrance of Subway when I honked at him as he was getting in his truck at the building next door.  He came over to my car to talk, but someone else wanted to get into the Sonic driveway, so I had to leave.  

Nothing too exciting other than that.  No sewing today and no pattern-drafting.  OH!  I did receive some fabric from Peggy Sagers.  I had returned some "yellow" knit to her that was actually gold, and she replaced it -- at my request -- with dark brown knit.  The dark brown knit has a repeating flaw in it, but she sent an extra yard to me.  That was nice of her -- I guess.  I haven't really looked at the flaw yet.  She just put a note in the envelope with it.  

Tried to watch Peggy's webcast last night, but it got messed up really bad.  No picture, or no sound, or neither picture or sound.  I felt sorry for her.  She is going to do it again next Monday.  It is all about pants, so log on if you get a chance.  It is Monday night -- 8:00 -- -- and look for the video link or webcast or whatever she calls it.  There are lots of them from the past year or two, and you can watch any of them whenever.  VERY nice of her, I think.

I have not made any pant patterns from Peggy EXCEPT the yoga pants.  I believe Phylly made them too.  They turned out pretty good the first time, so you might want to give them a try.  Yoga pants are SO COMFORTABLE!

That's all for today.  Time to watch a Craftsy class or look for an old movie to watch.  Just talked to Hollie, and she was asking me about old movies I like.

I can tell you what Hollie and I will be doing when she comes home in May!  Hollie loves the clothes.  I love the decency and un-silicone-enhanced women's bodies.

I like Cary Grant and Katherine Hepburn.  I also like Fred Astaire and Ginger Rogers -- or any other pretty lady he dances with.  There is one movie he is in that I could watch over and over.  It has Debbie Reynolds in it as his daughter.  He comes home for her wedding, and he is divorced from her mother, but they are, obviously, still in love.  I can't remember the name of it though.  Very funny.  Another movie I have seen a dozen times that was a total flop at the movies is Overboard with Goldie Hawn and Kurt Russell.  It isn't really an "old" movie, but it is a really cute one once you get past Goldie's bikini-clad rear end in your face at the beginning. 

Hugs, Joy


  1. Joy, Referring to the "obvious point" in the photo of your cap sleeve-sunflower blouse -- Instead of continuing the curve downward at the bottom of the sleeve, what would happen to that "point" if you followed the curve upward in more of an arc to meet the underarm sleeve seam?

    Sarah Sue

    1. Yes, I thought of that. I need to try again.
      Hugs, Joy

  2. Joy, you should looking into getting a Roku ( You can stream hundreds of old movies free. I just watched "Bringing up Baby" with Cary Grant and Katherine Hepburn. They also have some of my favorite TV shows: "Hot in Cleveland" and "As Time Goes By". I couldn't sew without my Roku!


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Hugs, Joy