
Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Phylly's Latest Creation by Marcy Tilton

Just dropping in to say a quick HI to all my sewing buds and my non-sewing buds.  Hope all is well with all of you.  I haven't sewn a stitch for two whole days!  Shocking, isn't it?  I will make up for that tomorrow though. 

Right now, I am all snug-as-a-bug-in-a-rug as I wait for thunderstorms tonight.

This is Oklahoma, and we get some pretty severe storms.  I'm believing God will protect all of us here because I have already put in a special request.

AND all the leaves have uncurled just today, and the leaves are so green and pretty and fluffy.  I want them to stay that way, so lots of rain will be good -- but no strong winds.

I hope Phylly does not mind, but since she hasn't gotten around to getting her own blog, I am going to share pictures with you of her latest creation.  I don't think she ever reads mine anymore.  Maybe she won't catch me.

Warning, this is a wild style. 

For some reason, I never can remember the lady's name -- oh, I just did -- it is Marcy Tilton.  I think she makes patterns for Vogue.

Phylly said this one looked like a puzzle, so she wanted to try it because she loves puzzles. 

I love puzzles too, but I don't know if I would wear this one.  She used some fabric for her muslin that I gave her from my stash the last time we had a play day.

I LOVE the fabric, of course, since I bought it.  I thought the colors weren't bright enough for me to wear.  I believe I bought this during my quilting life.  I think they look wonderful on Phylly.

VERY unusual style.  Phylly says it is a vest.  Looks like a blouse to me.  I hope I can try it on next time I get up to OK City to see her.

I really like the part around her neck.  Not sure about the bottom though.  She says she is still working on it.

And I better go check out the weather reports on the television, and find something to entertain myself.  Jerry is still in Edmond waiting for the sprinkler company to come out and fix the leak in our back yard.  Sure hope it doesn't turn out to be a fiasco like the windows!!!

Hugs, Joy


  1. Yep, it makes me smile! Any blouse that does that is a keeper in my book. But please note that it isn't finished. I don't have the front facings on or buttons. I think it may not have been pinned straight down the front.

    I had DH take the pictures. He had a funny look on his face, so I asked what he was thinking. "What is it?" he asked. "it's a vest." I answered as I cracked up. "Oh!" then his face relaxed as if I had just cleared up all the mysteries of the world.

    Oh, the design is by Katherine Tilton, Marcy's sister. It's one of her new patterns for Butterick.

  2. Unique and different, however I like it!! I love the spring colors in the fabric they are very cheerful and beautiful. I can't wait to see it finished, great job Phylly!!



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Hugs, Joy