
Friday, May 3, 2013

A Strange Red Vest, Vogue 8714

I finished it -- the red vest from Vogue 8714.  It has some strange lines here and there, and the armholes a bit too big for a blouse, and that is how I intend to wear it -- IF I wear it.

Here's some pictures.

I think it makes me look as wide as I am tall. 

No shape.

I topstitched it all over the place per instructions, but it caused some strange pulls in the armholes in the back.  I figure if I just walk in FRONT of everyone and circle around, then they won't get to see the back.

I made a video, because I think it is a much better representation of how the garment really looks when worn.  It is a 2-minute video, but takes an hour and a half to upload on this turtle-pace internet speed we have here in the deep woods of Southern Oklahoma.

But the trees sure are pretty!

You can wear this with the lapels both up
or with one lapel up
or with both lapels down.

I like them both down the best.

I am thinking that maybe I don't like the peplum, but not sure.
I hardly ever like anything I make right after I make it, so maybe this needs to go hide in the dark recesses of my closet for awhile.

Here is the vest/blouse with one flap down and one flap up:


I almost forgot to show you the funnest part.

Check out the inside:

And if you aren't totally sick of this blouse by now, here is the video I made just for me, but I'll share it with you.  I actually liked it a whole lot more after I saw the video.  Clothes are just different when you are "posing" in them for photos.  I remember when I was photographing my quilts that I had a hard time making them behave too.

Time to clean up the tornado this project dropped all over my sewing room, and then figure out what to do next. 

I think I need to make some knits so I can use my cover stitch machine! 
OH, OH, OH!!!!  I forgot to show you Phylly's finished top.  The flowery/stripey one.  She sent me some pics. 

Let's hope I still have them.  Hold on....................... 

Well, I must have accidentally deleted those pics.

I did find this one.

This is Louise Cutting's Hearts A'Flutter.  Isn't it pretty?  It actually is a little like this red vest.  You can wear the flap up or down.

And I have to go!

Almost time to start supper for the Master.

Hugs, Joy


  1. I was going to suggest nipping it in at the waist but the vid shows it doesn't help. Maybe a fabric that has a softer drape?

    I really do like the style, especially with both sides of the "collar" down.

    1. Hi Debbie,

      If I do make it again, I will try pinching it in here and there, and definitely, a softer, drapier fabric. Thanks for the comment.

      Hugs, Joy

  2. I love your vest, Joy Joy. Could you put some vertical darts in the front and back? They wouldn't have to be big, but just enough to feel like you have a bit of shape. Either that or slim it in just a little bit at the waist line, or just under your bust. Both would give it just a bit of shape. It really is very similar to my top, isn't it?

    Oh, crumb, it just dawned on me that it is lined. That will make it more difficult to do any shaping now. I bet you tried those things before you lined it, though.

    I can't believe you deleted my K.Tilton top! It was supposed to make you smile every time you looked at it. Well, it makes me smile, so I figured it would make you smile, too. I'll have to send it to you again. I was going to put it on the Kathryn Tilton thread on Artisan Sewing Guild, but I haven't had a chance yet. OK, I'd rather spend my time sewing than trying to figure out how to post pictures.

    The iron should be hot by now, so I'm going back to sewing my pants.
    Hugs, Phylly

  3. New to your site and I love it! Thank you for teaching me new whys to fit my patterns. I really needed the round back video you and Phylly did.
    I couldn't see your video, but I really like your new vest and I like it both ways up or down. I wish I had a sewing buddy like Phylly. And Phylly I like your new top too.

    1. Welcome aboard Love2sew!

      Thank you for the compliments. The VERY BEST way I know to make a pattern fit you is to buy the Surefit Designs system. If I was any good at making up new styles, I would probably use it and nothing else. Plus, I have enough blouses to last for years. What I make now is just for learning and fun. It is like going to school without the travel and expense. (-;

      Hugs, Joy

  4. I think the blouse/vest looks really nice on you. It's not body-hugging but it does have a slight shape -- you can definitely see that you have a waistline. I like it. Thanks for sharing.

    1. Thank you, Janet. I wore it for about an hour yesterday, and I've decided I do like it, AND I could wear it as a vest too.

      Hugs, Joy

  5. Joy,
    Love your blouse.
    Check out SFD for Peplum found in page 4 . The Fashion Design Sheet. It gives a little more fit to the waist area.

  6. Hello Joy, I need to say you are a blast to watch and you have another faithful follower.
    All the regular patterns I have been using the neck never fits. I'll try the Surefit Designs because I love all the tops you have made. It costs a bit, but if I add up the time I make tops, buy patterns & fabric that aren’t working I guess the cost would be worth it.
    I've been searching for the perfect jean pattern. I watched the video you and Pyhlly did on pants it was really good! Thanks
    I like Peggy S, but sometimes she goes on & on and then doesn’t teach long enough on the topic I tuned in for. So thank you for your videos and please keep them coming. I just purchased Jalie from PR and now waiting for my fabric to arrive. Hope this will be the one! I’ll let you know.

    1. Hi Sherry!

      So glad to "meet you"! The most wonderful part of SFD is Glenda, the owner. She is so nice and so helpful and so available. I really like playing with pen and paper and markers, so the process of drawing the pattern with SFD is always fun for me.

      Hugs, Joy

    2. In response to love2sew: I like Peggy S, but sometimes she goes on & on and then doesn’t teach long enough on the topic I tuned in for.

      I"m with you on that. I gave up on Sagers. I do like surefit but I've only made pants. I'm waiting on her jeans info which is supposed to be out soon. (I have the OLD system). Most likely I'll order the dress kit soon.

      I must have missed the jeans segment by Joy. I also ordered the Jalie jeans pattern. I have the fabric, but I must admit - I'm kinda waiting to get the jeans info from surefit because I KNOW those will most likely fit.

      The Jalie patterns are really nice. Nice paper. Clear lines. Unlike the flimsy tissue from 'others'. I don't mind paying for a nice pattern at over $10, but I kind of expect it to at least have decent paper. I was surprised to get thin pattern tissue patterns from 'you-know-who) especially at $14 per pattern PLUS shipping. Yikes!

  7. Joy, I tried you button tip thanks.
    To my responder I'm with you on tissue & price. I really like the Jalie pattern that I can use it not only for myself, also my grandkids without purchasing another pattern for each and the paper is great.
    Is there a video for jeans with SFD or do I just go to her website?
    I'm going to make me my own dress form if I can get one of my sisters to come over and help. I had to be blessed with sisters that don't like to sew. So I've been searching the web for sewing circles in my area. I wish Joy lived near me she just makes me feel Joyful! I'm glad I found your website.

  8. love2sew: could be worse. I have 5 brothers. no sisters. and NO friends that sew. Live way out in the country, far away from everything and anything. I did find a gal at a local fabric store that will work with me on fitting tops. $10 per hour plus gas to get here. That seems like a bargain to me! None of my 3 daughters sew, nor do they have ANY interest.

    As for surefit. She has lots of videos on her website. You can watch them any time. They're free and no membership required. Currently she doesn't have any video on jeans. That info is apparently on a leaflet that comes with the pants kit, however she emailed me to tell me she's working on info that I will be able to purchase that will supplement what I have. I have the OLD pant kit, the design stylus and one more stylus (not sure what that is for). I guess the jeans supplement was at one time in the kit I have, but since I bought mine pre-owned - I never got that or got it and lost it.


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Hugs, Joy