
Tuesday, May 7, 2013

New Employee, New SFD Knit Top and New Video

YAY!!!  I am excited to announce that

I have hired a lady for our store.  Her name is Doris June, but she goes by DJ.  She is tall and thin.  She has worked 15 years at a very nice gift shop in a town close to here.  The store is closing because the owner wants to retire.  One of my employees, Nancy, called me this weekend and told me about DJ.  She has shopped at that gift shop for years, and she knows DJ well because DJ waited on her whenever she went into that store.  That was a good enough reference for me before I even met DJ. 

DJ starts this morning, and I really need to be there, but can't.  We are starting another construction project here at our home, and the contractor -- Todd -- likes to arrive early.  He hasn't really started yet, but keeps coming over to measure stuff.  This morning, he is coming to measure the inside of our shower.  I am mad at our shower because for some insane reason, we made the ceiling 10 foot high in it.  You have to be a giraffe to reach it.  The light has been burned out in it for months because neither of us wants to drag a ladder inside the shower -- if one would even fit -- to change the bulb.  The shower is covered with white tiles surrounded by white grout that defies all cleaning products and likes to stay dirty.  I am having all the tiles ripped out -- the ceiling lowered -- and solid walls put in.   Fortunately, we have several other showers in the house to use during the process.

We are also having our back patio covered.  I wanted it done when we built this house in 1998, but my husband said it would keep the light from coming in the windows, and he would not allow it.  I am no longer afraid that my husband will leave me if I don't do everything his way, so I finally talked him into agreeing with me.

Like my sister, Judy, says, "What good is a patio you can't sit on in the rain?"

ANYHOW, between interviewing and new construction, I have been busier than usual, BUT I did make a new video on Sunday.  It is a short video but it took over 4 hours to upload to You Tube with our snail's pace internet here, and the first time I tried to upload it, it froze just before the end.  I had to start over.  That is why I am a bit behind on my blog.

Here is the video.  I am attempting to show you how to cut out and finish a simple knit top in a few hours.  I did finish the top and was wearing it by the time my husband got home for dinner.  He said it looked "professional" with my new cover stitch machine finishing.  How nice was that?!

And here is another video of my final version of this new knit top:

I took several pictures of the french dart before, during and after construction.  I may do a tutorial on a french dart soon because so many ladies have trouble with them.

Hugs, Joy



  1. Hi Joy sure do enjoy your videos. You are a very talented lady. I like machine embroidery I would like to know more about your digitizing. I would like to learn to digitize some of my own designs can't seem to get motivated. I think we may live close to your area not exactly sure but we are in Texas just across the river. Keep up the good work.

    1. Hi Darlene!

      Digitizing is a LOT of work. I have Bernina Artista software which is very nice, but there is so much to learn to use it well. If you don't use it consistently, you forget a lot of it. The best thing to do is get some tutorials and start out with simple designs. If you live near a Bernina dealer, you can take classes. I know there is a great Bernina store in Dallas and also Plano owned by the same lady. The WORST part of digitizing is it requires many hours of SITTING in front of a computer.

      We live in Kingston which is about 20 miles west of Durant. We shop in Sherman, TX a lot, and there is a quilt shop in McKinney, TX that is very nice.

      Hugs, Joy

  2. Joy, thanks so much for sharing your new top and how to cut it out with a rotary cutter. I am just beginning to use the rotary cutter - you make it look effortless. I love the addition to the neckline.

    I am almost done with my husband's SFD classic shirt. I had so much fun customizing the pattern just for him. Because of your success with Craftsy I took the classic tailored shirt with Pam Howard. It was exceptional. I especially like being able to go back and watch a specific technique multiple time until I can master it.

    Once the shirt is done I plan to get started on my own SFD pattern and will be making a knit top soon. RAH!

    Debora from NM

  3. Joy Joy, I love the neckline! What a great idea, and so simple,yet it makes such a difference. I like the two better than the three strings, straps, dumaflages, or what ever you call them. So glad you like your CS machine.


    Hugs, Phylly

  4. Hello Joy, I enjoyed your new video and your top looks great. I just finished 2 of the same tops, the first one was to big. I'm trying to understand ease, but my next one fits much better. I did both with your button tip and it works great ty. My husband said my tops make me look like an old lady. What does he know? I'm going to get the SFD after watching her videos and seeing that all your top fit nice.
    Thank you for making it easy to watch. I've taken class where the instructor talks down to you like your stupid.
    Have a Blessed week,

    1. Hi Sherry,

      Totally understand the "talking down" types. Peggy Sagers is the Queen of that title. Not only does she act like we are all morons, she acts like all of her peers need to throw their books away -- start over -- and follow her methods which, as she will blatantly tell you, are the ONLY right ones. It's a shame, because she means well. What really bugs me about her is she can "dish it out", but she sure can't take it -- correction, that is.

      My husband told me when I was in my thirties that our house looked like a granny lived in it because I did ceramics. I had ducks and rabbits and vases and bottles. I had to give that hobby up due to the dust in the classroom and the cigarette smoke from the instructor and other students.

      My husband does have very good taste in clothes, however, and if he doesn't like what I make, I will never wear it.

      Hugs, Joy

  5. Joy, I agree with you about Peggy S that' way I haven't bought any of her patterns. She makes it sound like if the pattern isn't working it must your fault or you chose the wrong size.

    After watching Glenda's videos at SFD. I like how she shows you exactly what you need to do. Not just talk about what you’re doing wrong.

    Now for your video's, you not only show us how to achieve our goals, but you make it fun as well.

    Have you seen the video on making your own dress form? I'm going to try it if I can find paper tape. It sure would be a fun video.
    Have a Blessed week,

  6. Joy, I would absolutely love it if you would do a video on French darts! There are some who believe any dart that slants up is a French dart. I do remember, tho, my mom telling me that a French dart started somewhere around the waist, and remember many "shifts" that had that kind of dart. Even in pattern drafting software, the French dart option looks nothing like I remember it!

    1. Hi BJ!

      I'm no expert on anything, believe me. I may try to do a video on what I know about the French Dart that I do in my tops. So many people want you to PAY to find out what they know. I suppose if you make living that way, that is understandable. I just love to sew, and I wish internet help had been available to me 40 years ago!

      Hugs, Joy

  7. Wow! Congrats on everything, Joyree! How's the employee now? Is she getting along well with everybody? How is she with customers? Pre-employment screening can make or brake a company or a business. That's why companies are now getting professional aid in screening candidates that are fit for the job. I hope you haven't encountered any problems with your new employee. I wish you more luck in future endeavors! Thanks for sharing! :)

    Philip Watkins @ USA Fact


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Hugs, Joy