
Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Bad Employee - Patio Update -- Baby Bibs

If you have ever owned your own business, you know how important it is to be able to trust your employees.  We have some that we trust totally -- some we mostly trust -- some we aren't real sure about -- but we have this one guy that I have NEVER trusted.  I had a feeling about him from his first day, but Jerry never listens to me.  Jerry trusts everybody.  It is very hard for him to believe that another human being could be dishonest when they work for an honest organization.  And Jerry is the type that if he doesn't see it with his OWN EYES, he just doesn't accept it.  Jerry is brutally honest himself and so am I, and that makes it hard to understand other people not being that way.  

I can't give any more detail about this right now, but let me say that I am VERY upset about it and so is Jerry.  It appears more than one other employee was aware of this, and they did not tell us.  Of course, that casts suspicion on them too. 

The good news is the patio is coming right along.  If it wasn't raining right now, it would be coming along better.  All the workers drove off about an hour ago.  Here is a picture of what it looked like yesterday.  I was standing in the shade, and the patio was shaded, so pic isn't very bright.  Picture it all wet and drippy from the rain, and you will know what it looks like now.  We really need the rain, so I'm not complaining.

I don't think I showed you these cute baby bibs I made.  They are reversible.  Only one has a name because I only KNOW one name.  The girl that works for us has not contacted us since she left almost 3 weeks ago.  We have no idea how she or the baby are or what the baby's name is.  We sure hope all are okay.  She is due back next Monday, so we should know then.

Anyway, here are the two bibs:

The back of both bibs looks like this:

That is it for today. 

Hugs, Joy


  1. Okay, I must hold the title for the most unobservant person that ever lived! How many times have I been to your home down there, (not enough, I know) and I had no idea that your patio was that size. Okay, when did you install the fireplace? I remember the windows, but I have no memory of the fireplace. You can see what I am focused on when I visit; the sewing room. I could describe it perfectly, but I never saw the fireplace and I had to walk by it to get to the sewing room. Boy, do I feel dumb; or maybe I should say, "blind"!

    How weird, I don't usually get your blog until the next day, but it is here early tonight.
    Hope tomorrow will be better.
    Hugs, Phylly

  2. Cute bibs. Your renovations are looking good just in time for youyr summer.
    We are heading into winter here - I am off to a sewing retreat weekend where I hope to make a purple coat.


  3. What a very cute reversible baby bibs! The design is totally stunning and I love its color, it's very lovely. Can you share any pattern? I love to make baby bibs too, but I don't have an idea on how to start besides, I don't have any pattern to follow.


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Hugs, Joy