
Monday, May 13, 2013

Patio Renovation Project Begins and Meet Amelia

Today is the day!  9 men and 1 woman are here to start my patio roof.  The woman's name is Janiece and she is very nice.  I would like to sneak her up to my sewing room so she can play with me. 

I am very happy with this crew -- so far -- and I am excited about this project.  You know how much trouble I have had in the past with construction crews.  These guys are different.  They may never get to quit doing things for us because we keep thinking of more projects for them.

I went out this morning to make the following announcement:

"I don't care if you smoke, spit or chew.  Just don't leave the evidence on my lawn or my patio."

They just laughed.  They said they had already prepared for that.  It appears my reputation has spread near and far!  (-;

Above is just a board to check the pitch of the roof.  I want the lowest part of the roof to be as high as that window.  It is a little over 10 feet.  They are very carefully talking about it -- measuring it -- and being sure the calculations are correct.  Praise the Lord!  Just my kind of people! 

I became a Great Aunt again this past weekend.  Our new baby lives in Arkansas, so I didn't get to be there. 

Her name is Amelia Mae.  Cute!  That is my sister Judy's son, Ryan.  The baby was an "oops", but he is doing the right thing.  He's a good kid.

I just finished blankets and a bib for Gracie -- my employee on maternity leave -- and now I need to make something for this little doll.

I hear saws and drills and hammers.  I better go see what is happening.  I may be missing a picture!

Have a great week my friends.

Hugs, Joy


  1. What a beauty Miss Ameila Mae is. Just gorgeous.

    I'm glad you seem to have found some good workers. I've never seen that view of your house, but I could describe the sewing room blindfolded.
    Hugs, Phylly

  2. Finding good contractors guarantees that your roofing project will be a success, so I'm pleased to hear that you found such good ones who suit your standards and satisfy your demands. And oh, congratulations on being a great aunt again!
    Jesse @ Jon Wright Industries


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Hugs, Joy