
Sunday, June 16, 2013

Good Sunday Evening on Father's Day!

Hello friends!  How are all of you today?

This is Father's Day.  Not much happened around here.  Jerry did receive a 10-minute phone call from his daughter who calls him twice a year:  Father's Day and birthday.  No card -- no pictures of his grandkids -- no anything.  Just a phone call.  Other than that, he never sees or hears from her.  He tries to call her occasionally, but he usually gets an answering machine.

Jerry said she talked for a few minutes asking all the usual questions, and then just ended the call.  She is way too important these days; so we, of course, understand that she has absolutely no time for us.  I hope someday she realizes what an AWESOME man her father is or was.  I used to make excuses for him and tell him that it was because of ME that she didn't have anything to do with us.  But I haven't spoken to her -- written to her -- called her or seen her for over 5 years.  The problem isn't Jerry and it isn't me.  It is her.  She is an ungrateful, spoiled child as so many others are these days.  Very sad.

My own father, Richard Grant Clingerman, died many years ago.  He was a wonderful man, and I loved him very much.  He knew everything about the Bible, but he didn't know much about how to have a happy marriage.  He and my Mother knew you were married forever -- no matter what -- but they were seldom happy. 

He loved his four kids as best he knew how.  I was the oldest.  Whenever he would first see me -- when I was grown and on my own -- he would always say in a very cheerful, upbeat, happy way:

HellOOOOOOOOO the JOYree!  (Short for Joy Marie)

I loved it when he called me that, because it was his special name for me.  He was so proud of me.  He always bragged on me like I was the head of everything.  I could have been a scrub woman for some company, and Daddy would have told you that I ran the entire company.  I miss him a lot on Father's Day.  I hope Jesus will send an angel to tell my Dad how much I love him and give him a big hug from me today. 

We did go to internet church this morning.  It was another fun one.  Hagee had his wife talk for about 10 minutes because he said she was better at talking about women and sex than he was.  She had two boxes.  Out of one box, she pulled a darling, bright red shorty negligee that she used to wear.  She said she couldn't get one leg in it now.  Out of the other box, she pulled out full length long johns with a padlock on them.

The subject was still the Song of Solomon.  Mrs. Hagee was talking about how it isn't right for women to use sex as a bargaining tool or as a punishment. 

Do women actually do that? 

I was always so excited that Jerry actually found time for it, I wasn't about to use it for anything other than what God intended it for! 

I'm SUCH a saint!

I made another top today.  It is bright pink knit.  I'll show you when I get the hem in it. 

I have to get ready for Phylly to come.  I'm starting to believe she might actually show up!

Hugs, Joy


  1. Could you give us the numbers of the pattern you use especially Peggy Sagers. Thanks Mary


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Hugs, Joy