
Saturday, June 15, 2013

More About Buttons and Wrinkled Necks

Oh, my!!!

Guess what I just HAPPENED to see this morning. 

It was this video:


I don't know if I have any buttons as pretty as Whitney's but I sure am going to look.  And I think it is time to start going to Goodwill and Salvation Army thrift stores to find buttons!

I do know how to make jewelry because I took several classes on Craftsy to learn how, and then I spent nearly $3,000 buying stuff to make it with.  Who knew all I had to do was put some buttons together!

I finished my Silhouette blouse yesterday, and Lucy is wearing it.  It has a lot of fullness in it at the bottom, but I don't care.  It is slinky, and it just hangs in pretty folds.  Another success, and I will definitely wear it.

AND, I will definitely make a button necklace, even though I never wear big necklaces, but with the ever increasing amount of wrinkles appearing at my throat, I may start to. 

This lady must feel the same way!

And she must have a very looooooooooooooong neck!

But why replace flesh-colored wrinkles with gold wrinkles?

Looks like she got her head stuck in a spittoon, to me.

It must hurt a lot because she has all those cloths stuck inside the top of it.

I'll stick with the buttons.

Gotta get.  Phylly is coming and I have to CLEAN and ORGANIZE so Phylly won't think I'm a slob.

Hugs, Joy


  1. Joy, which Silhouette pattern is this? Sure is pretty (like everything you make!)


  2. Joy, you always pick out beautiful fabric, and all your tops look store bought. You could teach classes.

  3. I just love your blog- You are the someone I would love to have as a next door neighbor !! Sort of like the "Julia Child" of sewing. Keep up the great blog and good luck with your contractors !!!

    Miz Liz

    1. Thank you, Miz Liz. Wish my neighbors felt that way, lol.
      Hugs, Joy

  4. Joy Joy, There isn't a video when I look at it on my iPad. Ihave a necklace that is made from crochet and buttons. I really should wear it more.

    Neck wrinkles are just textured surfacing. If it was fabric we would love it!

    I started a list of things to bring with me. Unfortunately, I may not know for sure I am coming until Tuesday. Well actually, come to think of it, I could come Tuesday evening so I could work there on Wednesday ( or we could sew) and then I could come back Thursday after working that morning and part of the afternoon. I am definitely coming Tuesday, so it is a good thing you are ready for me, 'cause I need a Joy fix.

    Hugs, Phylly

    Hopefully, we'll hear from the ex today or tomorrow.

  5. If he doesn't show up, I am going to visit him MYSELF! Does he have any idea how looooooooooooooong it has been since I have seen you!? Someone should tell him how mean I am when I don't get my Phylly-Fix!

    Hugs, Joy

  6. My neck lines are much smaller and less deep since I started using the Made From Earth Olive Night Creme at night. My forehead lines have almost completely vanished and my chest skin looks tight and soft. I can't believe it! In just two weeks from using the Made from Earth Olive! I put this on at night so I wasn't paying attention but I wish I'd taken a before and after!

    The cream smells really nice, very mild scent and not perfumey, and it spreads well and absorbs well into my skin. I don't feel oily or sticky at all.

  7. To know more about Wrinkles Treatment in Delhi clinic which gives women a flawless and youthful look.


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Hugs, Joy