
Friday, August 9, 2013

Dropped Pants Shuffle and Princess Seam Blouse Videos

I made some new videos because Martha asked me to.  She wanted me to show how I turned my Sure-fit Designs™ blouse into a princess seam design.

The videos are being uploaded at a snail's pace to You Tube.  It will be either Midnight tonight, or tomorrow before I can show them to you -- and I'm betting on tomorrow.

My friend, Deanna, sent me an email today with a picture in it that I HAVE to show you.  This is the kind of extreme braininess that has made America what it is today -- in MY opinion -- and please always remember, EVERYTHING in this blog is MY opinion.

And as the email pointed out, this sad breed of American tends to be VERY fertile -- always on Federal assistance of every kind -- and I can promise you that IF they could shuffle their uncovered butts to a voting booth, they voted for Obama.

Does this mean I'm a racist?  NO!

Does this mean I don't care for this young man?  NO!

Does this mean I would NOT help this guy LEARN how to work and dress and become prosperous without the Government if I had the opportunity?  NO!

All it means is this is what so many young people have become. They don't have the slightest clue who God is or why they were born or why they are alive.

I WOULD DEARLY LOVE to tell them!  I'm sure that would be against SOME law, however.

I know God had a beautiful plan for this person's life, and having his pants dragging the ground was NOT it!

Jerry went down to the back porch.  I have to hurry down to swing with him.  He has figured out how to get the TV on without running upstairs every five minutes to use the controls.

TOMORROW, I will show you what I did to make my new blouse even MORE DARLINGER than it already was, and I'll post my videos.

Have a GREAT WEEKEND my friends!

Hugs, Joy


  1. Hi Joy
    Thanks for making the video. I am slowing learning how to convert my SFD blueprint to other designs. It is slow going and my reject basket is getting full. I enjoy watching you alter your blueprint. Your instructions are very easy to follow.

  2. One more thing: have you ever converted your blueprint to a dolman sleeve?

    1. No, Martha, I have not converted to a dolman sleeve YET. I really don't care for them, so that is probably why.
      Hugs, Joy

  3. Hi Joy
    I've seen a few things you've made with your SFD patterns, my question is : did you have to adjust your "blueprint" before you got the perfect fit? I've made 3 so far and I'm still having issues with the back bodice, drag lines etc. I can't wait until I can just grab some material and sew! Love the picture of the guy and the pants!

    Happy sewing! Wendy

  4. Wendy,
    You probably need to adjust your shoulder slope. That is very important. THAT and sway back correction are the only two things I do.
    Hope that helps.
    If you contact Glenda and send her a picture, she will tell you what to do to get rid of the wrinkles.
    Hugs, Joy


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Hugs, Joy