
Thursday, August 8, 2013

New Sure-fit Designs Blouse - HELP!

I had to work at the store this morning, so I only had the afternoon to sew.

AND, my husband is on his way home so I have to start dinner,

BUT, I want to ask your opinion about this top.  I LOVE this fabric, and I LOVE the style, and I LOVE the SFD Fit, BUT

I can't decide if I should put

Pink Buttons
White Buttons
Black Buttons

What do you think would look best?  I even thought about covered buttons.

It will have sleeves tomorrow, but for now it looks like this.  Notice the 3 buttons.  Pink covered button on top -- then black -- then white.

This really is a new style.  Notice those princess lines right across my bust and up both sides of the back.

PLEASE leave me a comment.  I love it when you comment.  Sorry, but I really have to dash down the stairs and start some supper for my sweet husband.

Hugs, Joy


  1. The blouse looks great. I assume you used the SFD bodice blueprint. You did a great job. Saying that - black buttons!

  2. Love the blouse! I would do white buttons, but I'm kind of dull that way :-)


  3. The pink buttons are smashing! Love the shape of the blouse.
    Lucinda from Virginia

  4. I like the pink buttons best. Lovely top.

  5. Now that I actually paid attention and saw the buttons, I'm changing to the covered button.

    Cheryl (AKA wishywashy)

    1. Lol, Cheryl. I put in a different picture.
      Pink, it is.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Kids just left, so I finally have time to answer your question. I say the covered buttons. Second choice would be the white, but not the black.
    Hugs, Phylly

  7. Pink or black my choice
    Love the fabric and the blouse style really cute. :)


  8. That's a really really lovely top. Pink covered is the
    most classy and pretty IMO. Enjoy it .. you did a
    great job!


  9. I'd go for the covered buttons first, then the black. Love the blouse.

  10. Ilove the covered buttons with your top,very classy top.

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. I have to change my mind too. I didn't see the buttons at first. The covered one looks great.

  13. I've been following your blog for a few months now [since I found SFD] and really enjoy reading it. I think the pink covered buttons are perfect. Thank you for your lovely blog thoughts and good luck with your leg.

    Jan Brown

  14. Thank you everyone. Pink, it is. I did not have any pink buttons, so I tried covering one. I must order more coverable buttons. They really do look nice. Phylly is making some for her latest jacket.
    Hugs, Joy

  15. I like the pink covered buttons first, white second and the black as my least favorite because of the poke a dot background on the fabric. The blouse looks wonderful so far, can't wait to see it with sleeves.

  16. I like the covered buttons also.

  17. What a cute blouse - definitely covered buttons! Kindly, Glenda

  18. Love the blouse. You did a great job on the princess style.
    I love, love the pink buttons.

  19. The pink buttons are soooo cute! I love the blouse and your blog ;)

  20. Love this fabric! Only last week I saw a similar up-market shirt, and what really grabbed my attention was how they used a different button each time - all tied together with a silver theme. They had 5 same sized, same silvery colour, but different buttons down the front. I though it was a great quirky idea to use when we just can't make up our minds as to which one style of button to pop on ... off to have a peek around your blog ... J

    1. Hi Judith!
      Thanks so much for the comment. I have seen that before too. Problem for me is, there are no stores closer than an hour drive from me, so I have to use what I have on hand.
      Hugs, Joy

  21. I am so late to the party, but I love how the black buttons reference the black polka dots in the fabric.

  22. Love the blouse. I would use covered buttons taking my fabric from a matching area. Definitely not white (looks "home-made).


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Hugs, Joy