
Saturday, August 17, 2013

Good Saturday Evening and Phylly Is Here!

Almost 9 PM already.  Phylly got here at 6 PM tonight, and it seems like she has been here only five minutes.  WHERE does the time go?

We jumped around and hugged for a few minutes after her arrival.  She gave me a milk crate full of gifts for my birthday.  I'll take pics when I get a chance.

Then we decided to have steak for dinner.  We went to Outback although I wasn't sure we should.  I had a terrible waiter last time I went.  BUT,
tonight was a DREAM!  Evidently, Margaret, Isaiah is no longer there and all the staff is different.  Different in a GOOD way.  Jesse waited on us.  VERY handsome, well-dressed, well-spoken and dreamy green (I think) eyes.  I was staring him down trying to see what color they were, but you can only do that so long before the guy turns and runs away.  He had black hair and a well-groomed black beard and those eyes!  I gave Jesse my complicated steak order which goes like this:

"I want my steak TENDER, and I want it to be PINK all the way through -- not red and not gray -- PINK!  I don't want "Medium" because it is too well done, and I don't want "Medium Rare" because it is too rare.  I want it in between -- PINK all the way through."

Jesse's response was this: " How about I order it "Medium Rare Plus, and if it isn't JUST the way you like it, we will start all over?"

I ordered the small filet and crab leg special and coconut shrimp appetizer.  Both of those items were AWESOME, and they were served with the proper utensils.  Some of you may remember Margaret and I going there a couple years ago.  I ordered crab legs.  They came with NO cracker, and NO little fork and only enough melted butter to grease a gnat's tail.   I wrote a letter to Management about it, and I was sent a $50 gift card -- an apology -- and a promise that forks and crackers would be purchased at once.

Phylly and I left Outback and went to Hancock's to buy some covered button blanks and some Steam-A-Seam 2 Lite.  The SAS2 was nowhere to be found.  We happened upon the new Manager who appeared to be no more than 19 or 20, and seemed to have ZERO knowledge about what Hancock's does and doesn't carry. The store was a mess, and it was very obvious that Kelly -- an excellent Manager -- was no longer there.  The new girl checked her computer finally and reported back to us that They had NO SAS2;  they could not get any, and they were not going to carry it anymore because "they" quit making it.


Phylly and I knew that could NOT possibly be true.  Just what the two of us use could keep the company in business, for heaven's sake.  Phylly just went to The Warm Company on her Ipad to inquire.  Turns out there are lots of  back orders because they decided to upgrade the product by putting a different paper backing on it.  It WILL still be made, however, and it will soon be available again.

Phylly and I are in our jammies.  She is in the dark blue recliner, and I am in the mauve glider with gliding footstool.  She is on her Ipad -- no my Ipad because mine connects to the internet here -- and I am on my laptop.

Time for some lemon streusel cake and a hot beverage.

Hugs, Joy

1 comment:

  1. So glad you girls are getting to spend some time together. Can't wait to hear all about it. Hope to see pictures and maybe a video too. Joy what kind of machine did you get from ebay? I have been looking for a serger and have been afraid to get one from there. Any buying tips or favorite sellers?


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Hugs, Joy