
Friday, August 16, 2013

I Have Arrived -- Hello To All My Friends!!!

Yep!  I am finally at my Edmond home awaiting dates with my good friends.  I have already visited Helen Enox (a very fine fabric store), the Bernina store where I dropped off the machine I recently purchased from a lady on Ebay, and then to Oklahoma Quiltworks to use my 20% off my entire purchase with my birthday coupon.

I have been here only 3 hours, and I have already purchased 13 1/2 yards of fabric.

That is BOUND to happen when one lives so far away from fabric stores.  When you finally get to a town that has them, you just cannot wait!

PLUS, my doctor said I was supposed to stop occasionally when driving long distances and walk around for five minutes.  I figured a fabric store was as good a place as any to do some walking

How gorgeous is the fabric that girl is holding around her body!?  I would, for sure, have to buy that one if I ever found it.

I'm having dinner tonight with my good friend, Margaret, who lives close to me in Edmond.

Phylly is going to beg Roger to let her come over for dinner out tomorrow night and then a slumber party after.  I can't get too excited because he will probably threaten to run away from home if she leaves.

Cross your fingers for us!!!

I hope to go visit my Mother-in-Law next week.  Jerry wants me to wait until he comes up, but I don't know if I will.  One can never count on Jerry's EXACT moment, hour or even day of arrival anywhere.

My daughter said she would take me out to dinner for my birthday -- now past -- when I got up here.  I am looking forward to seeing her and catching up on grandchild news.

Hey Robert and Deanna!  We must get together at least one night while we are in town.  Call me.

I better get.  I need to put things away that my husband doesn't notice are "out" when he comes here without me.  He has been here twice since I was here last.

Hugs, Joy

1 comment:

  1. I knew you filled the car up with fabric!

    You are finally here! Woo Hoo!!! I'm packing clothes and fabrics. There is a roast in the crock pot for them to eat after I leave. I need to go cook some rice for the kids and grate some cheese for the guys. The guys will make burritos and the kids will eat the shredded roast over their rice. I didn't say when I would be back tomorrow! There is birthday cake and ice cream for dessert, so they should be happy. I'm going to be happy, too!

    Goodness, you were so close when you went to Bernina, you should have stopped by the store and said, "hello". Of course, we would have danced around yelling and laughing and Lu would have been ready to kick us both out. :-)(-:

    I've got to finish packing!
    Hugs, Phylly


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Hugs, Joy