
Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Mom and Almost New Blouse

Just stopping by to say HELLO real quick.

I missed Sunday's sermon, and Phylly said it was really good.  Jerry has left to go back home to Kingston, so I'm going to watch it tonight.  Jerry is going to come back for the long weekend to help me get his Mom moved back into her proper room and make sure all of her things are there and all is in order.

I've had emails from the owner and a phone call from the Vice-President of the company that owns all the Senior Centers, and the girls at Countrywood are all but saluting me.

I'm sure they'd like to hog tie me and drag me in the alley.

I feel sorry for the Administrator because she really has her hands full with the whole flood/remodel situation to begin with, and to have an unhappy family member just adds to her woes.  I'm really nice to her, honest, I am.

Still, she has to see that Mom is properly cared for.  That could be ME in that position someday, and I sure hope someone cares enough about me to fight for me when I can't fight for myself.

Mom got her hair dyed and permed today, so it will look so much better.

Jerry's Mom ("Mom") has Alzheimer's or Dementia.  I think they are one and the same.  When the beautician fixes her hair every Tuesday, Mom goes back to her room -- gets wet wash cloths and puts them on her head -- then brushes her hair over and over!  I am PAYING for those hairdos, and they last only a few minutes.  Anyway, I called the beautician yesterday and told her what to do.  Mom always had a perm in her hair, and she can brush the heck out of it now.

I'm making a brand new blouse out of



my most UNfavorite fabric.

It is as slippery as **** -- hard to handle -- hard to cut -- hard to sew.  I don't even know what it is called.  Challis maybe -- or Polyester -- or Rayon.  Whatever it is, it is like sewing on water!

BUT, it feels soooooooooooo good against my skin, and I will definitely be buying more of it.  I will just MAKE MYSELF BEHAVE.  Time to learn to have a bit more patience and spend more than one day putting a garment together.

Funny thing is, the pattern says "Fast and Easy".  Whoever put that label on it sure never made it.  It is far from "fast and easy" no matter WHAT you make it out of.

Stay tuned in and I will show it to you when I get it all done.

Meanwhile, mosey on over to Phylly's blog and check out the darling blouse she spent just short of forever on.  It looks amazing in person.  I'm going to have to take a picture of it myself next time she wears it so I can show you close up how cute it is.  Phylly's blog:

I better get back to church.  It has been on "Pause" in the den since I started this blog post.


1 comment:

  1. My youngest told me she would just take me out to the woods and leave me. Of course, that may be the normal course of events with Obamacare.

    Worked on the eShrug pattern tonight. I have it ready to cut out, or maybe to decide if I need alterations. Oh, wait! I know I need alterations, but I need to know if the pattern needs alterations. Hmmm....Alterations for me...maybe make me a foot taller with a 26" waist, 36" bust, and 36" hips. Oh, and long legs. Size 8 feet. Oh, yes, now those would be some nice alterations. I wonder if God lets us choose our body in Heaven. I'm definitely going for a tall one if He does.


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Hugs, Joy