
Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Come Swing with Me via Video -- Nida -- Lu's Sure-fit Designs™ Top

Good Morning!!!  How are all of you today?  Allergies are at an all time high in these parts -- or so I've heard and my nose believes it!  I have sneezed enough to blow down a mountain and my nose runs no matter how many drugs I swallow.  AARRGGHH!!!  WHY are people allergic to so much stuff anyway????

I'm making Lu's REAL blouse now out of the oh-so-beautiful fabric I bought from The Cloth Merchants at the going out of business sale.  I am sewing long distance via email now.  I need for Lu to try on this blouse as it is a drapier knit fabric than the muslin.

ALSO, I was pretty sure Lu has a low shoulder just like me, so I decided to have Phylly find that out for me yesterday.  Here is the picture I drew and sent via email to show Phylly EXACTLY what I wanted to know.

A picture IS worth a thousand words you know!

For some INSENSITIVE reason, I got an email back from both Lu and Phylly saying "YOU ARE CRAZY!"  Don't they know I have feelings???  (-;

I wanted Lu to stand against the wall.  Then Phylly was to GET ON A LADDER and mark on post-it notes stuck on the wall behind her shoulders where her shoulder tips were.  The Phylly was to measure from each mark down to the floor, and tell me the difference.

My picture must be pretty good, because she emailed back that her right shoulder was 1/2" LOWER than her left -- just like mine.  I then made the corrections to the blouse.

I sewed up the shoulders and the side seams.  The blouse was SO GORGEOUS -- and since it had the same shoulder adjustment I do for myself, I HAD to try it on.

Check it out:
A blouse on Lu.  A mini dress on me.  I TOLD you she is tall.

I think that even though this is definitely Fall colors, I could still wear it because it is so bright.  I might order some more of this fabric for myself.

And here is me -- in my swing -- this morning -- talking to you like you are right there with me on the patio.

I rushed up to finish this real fast.  Jerry is here, and we have to go to our doctor appointments.

Hugs, Joy


  1. It was so nice to swing with you this morning. The weather here in Norman has cooled off quite a bit in the mornings too. I love the fabric that you have chosen to make Lu's blouse from. I to like bright colors. I have enjoyed all of your videos and was quite amused that you had taken your show on the road. I loved the broadcast from JC Penny. But my favorite was of you and your husband. He is such a good sport. The first and last thing I do everyday is run in here to see if you have posted anything. I do look forward to hearing from you.

  2. Oh, Anita, be careful or Joy will have me in the bathroom of an airplane doing a video. She is already thinking about the zoo.

    You know, sometimes I feel like I'm Ethel and Joy is Lucy and I wonder what she will get me into the next time! But life is always fun with Joy! She makes me smile even when I am sad. Everyone should have someone like Joy in their lives. I just wish we lived closer.

    I wish I was in my swing on the other side of the porch talking back to you, Joy Joy.

    Hugs, Phylly

    1. I have an idea, Phylly. Tell your daughter you have an extremely important function to attend this weekend, and then get yourself down here!!! Your swing is lonely. )-; Just kidding, of course. I know you can't really do that. One can dream. We could sew bathing suits and do a video at the pond! (-:

      Hugs, Joy

  3. Great listening to you chat. That blouse fabric is lovely.
    I am another person who checks in most days to see what you have been sewing.
    You make me smile :)


  4. Add me to the list of those who check in to see your smiling face & your sewing do a much better job of living up to your name than I do...Be blessed! (The other) Joy

  5. Anita:

    What is your email address? I will email you privately about that quilt which you are welcome to have. Need a few measurements to determine if my blouses will fit you at all.

    Hugs, Joy

  6. Yes, I emailed you that you were crazy, but I also said I was crazier because I was going to follow your instructions. Oh, and your drawing made perfect sense except that it makes me look short.

    At the moment I would say I'll see you Saturday, but sure as I do, my daughter will bring the kids over and drop them off.

    I think I'm going to cut out my AND jacket from Cloth Merchants Linen tonight.

    Hugs, Phylly

  7. Hello Joy,

    A while ago you demonstrated your new coverstitch machine. I am wondering how that is working out for you. Do you find that you use it often?



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Hugs, Joy