
Sunday, September 22, 2013

Sunday Joy and Lu's Finished Tops with Jewelry

Isn't it just WONDERFUL to be alive and healthy and happy on a gorgeous Sunday?  The weather is very Fallish today, and I love Fall.  Honestly, I am spending way too much time in my swing.  I left my Ipad at my other house, so yesterday I decided to try to get a laptop in my lap in a swing.  NOT easy.  I had to search all over the house for an extension cord with 3 holes in it that would reach to my swing so I could keep the laptop plugged in.  WHY didn't I think to have electricity put in the floor?  I DID do that in my house, and it is so nice.

Church was great this morning.  The series now is all about finances.  Jerry and I have Master's Degrees in managing finances -- not from any school -- but from learning it and living it.  Jerry was telling me this morning that in a few months, we will be TOTALLY out of debt.  HOW AMAZING is that?  Jerry and I both just happen to be savers -- not spenders -- and we actually listen and learn when preachers or teachers talk about money.  We started saving in our early 30's, and we are so thankful now.  We had only two vacations that I can remember, and I don't own any expensive jewelry or fur coats or fancy cars, but our "wealth" is to be OUT OF DEBT!  Have you ever heard those people on Dave Ramsey scream "WE ARE DEBT FREE!"  Sometimes the children yell it with the parents.  I am so thrilled when I hear YOUNG people say that.  We sure couldn't say it when we were young.  Go to if you ever want to hear the great sermons and wonderful music we enjoy every Sunday.

I just finished tightening the last jump ring in Lu's second necklace.  I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE making jewelry for Lu.  Lu is tall and she has shoulders and long, thick, beautiful hair.  She can wear the biggest jewelry I can make.  When I try to wear big jewelry, it looks like I got tangled up in a giant chain, and if you separate the chain and the beads, you MIGHT see my head inside somewhere.  Hence, all this jewelry-making equipment, and I can only make little things for myself.

You saw Lu's "muslin" the other day.  Here is a picture of the fabric I had left and the necklace I made to go with it for Lu:

The cones are too small for all those chains.  I have ordered larger ones and will change them when the new cones come.

And here is the beautiful top from the fabric I purchased on line not realizing how ORANGE and AVOCADO GREEN it is.  That is why I decided to make a blouse for Lu out of it.  It is really pretty.  Can't wait to see it on her with the matching necklace.

And now I have to go.  I promised Jerry -- not that he asked -- that I would fold up all my new fabric which is resting all over the movie room and my sewing room after being washed and dried.  Jerry told me during church this morning that the fabrics all look really nice.  QUITE a compliment coming from him.  AND he told me the jewelry I made was excellent.


No wonder I am so JOYFUL today!

Hope you day is wonderful too.

And Anita,
I got your email.
I'll get back to you when I get a minute.


1 comment:

  1. Hello Joy, Lu is one lucky gal! The tops and necklaces are BEAUTIFUL! You do such wonderful work. I just can't get it right. Might be due to my Dyslexia.
    So if you ever want to try you hands at making a video doing just a sloper for someone, put my name on top of the list. I would love to sew a top that actually fits me. Just an idea. ;)


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Hugs, Joy