
Monday, September 2, 2013

New Sure-fit Designs™ Style and Butterick 5219

Hello friends out there in Internet Land.  Isn't it wonderful to be able to communicate all over the world?  Too bad the technology for that wonder also allows for filth and hatred to be spread all over the world also.  I hate that part about it.

I am still here in our Edmond home.  We spent most of the day in Kingfisher at Jerry's Mom's house setting it up to be sold by a new Realtor.

The first one turned out to be a pretty big dud.  Ads showed only one pic of the outside of the house, and it was priced $10,000 too high for the area.  NO WONDER nobody ever looked at it.

The new Realtor took about 30 pictures to post.  We look forward to it selling real soon now, and Jerry and I will be delivered from one headache in our lives.

We don't mind doing it.  That isn't what I mean.  But it is a big responsibility when you live 200 miles away.  A home has to be kept up, as you all know.

Last week, I managed to finish two new blouses.  I started out with Butterick 5219.  I wanted something different that a slinky fabric would look good in.  I could not figure out how to do it with Sure-fit, so I just added a Full Bust Adjustment into the gathers already in the B5219 pattern -- did all the other adjustments my bod requires -- and it turned out fine.  When you are using a pattern with a lot of ease AND you are using a stretch fabric, it is pretty forgiving on fit if you know the basics.

Here is the Butterick 5219 top.  I love the cap sleeve and the neckline.  I have fabric in the brown and the blue green for pants.

After I finished the Butterick top, I was cleaning up my cutting table as I always do, and I noticed I had quite a bit of fabric left over.  Since the fabric was from a fancy-pants fabric store, I didn't want to just toss it out.  I decided to make a sleeveless top and use up the rest of the fabric.  I found an SFD sleeveless knit top pattern I made over a year ago and decided to use it.

The only problem was, the material I had left over wasn't just a straight, flat piece of yardage anymore.  It was chopped up.  Therefore, I decided to take a chance and start chopping up my SFD pattern.

You can watch the video I made about it if you care to hear what I did to my SFD pattern to turn it into this simple, cute new style.  It is the one I am wearing in this video.  I will be making it again!

I finished the top today with facings and hem, but it is soaking in the washer until the blue water erasable pen marks are removed.  The fit is AMAZING since it was from my Sure-fit base.

Here's the sleeveless restyle all finished:

Check out Phylly's blog if you are a Sure-fit Designs fan.  She put extensive instructions on how to deal with Dolly Parton Boobs.

Phylly's blog can be found at:

Tomorrow, she is supposed to actually show us some pictures.

Of course, Phylly just says that sometimes.

You never know for sure!

One would think she has a full-time job and 3 kids to watch every night and weekends.

I better go check my new sleeveless top to see if the marks have disappeared yet.  Sometimes, they are really hard to get out of these slinky fabrics.



  1. You are right. You aren't getting a new blog out of me tonight. My new SFD top wore me out today. But it is finished. I have to think it out and I am just too tired tonight. I'm just sitting in my recliner with my little 65pound puppy in my lap ;-)

    Hugs, Phylly

  2. Hi Joy, I love the new top you designed from SFD! It fits you to so good. I like the B5219 too, but your design show your figure so much better. I have to try your new design. I believe you just crated a new style. You might have to sell your idea or sell it as a pattern. :) I haven't seen a pattern like it. I've learned so much from your videos. Please keep them coming.

  3. why do you love sure fit patterns so much...was there a learning curve...I think I have tried everyone else but that one...includding craftsy classes...I hate to spend more money on yet another pattern fit program...LET ME KNOW your thoughts...thans

    1. Hi MG!

      I have tried all the different pattern companies too. If you have fitting issues and the commercial patterns NEVER fit you, Sure-fit Designs is a tremendous tool. My friend and I enjoy the process of drawing out our patterns. If you hate that part, then I wouldn't advise it. You can go to and watch dozens of videos showing you EXACTLY what you get and how you use it. That is where I started.

      Hugs, Joy

    2. you mean you need to draw out each pattern you want to make ... I don't understand how this works...

    3. MG,

      Sure-fit Designs sells kits so you can make your own patterns exactly to your measurements. I am just a very satisfied customer. You can go to and watch lots of videos that are free that tell you all about it. Once you get your first pattern -- or blueprint -- made, you can use it to make different styles.



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Hugs, Joy