
Friday, August 30, 2013

Friday Fun and a VLOG For You

Goodness, this is a nice day!

I just love it when I wake up in the morning and I don't have something stressful to do or people to meet that I don't really like.

Today, all I have to do is get along with Phylly at lunch.  And we all know that involves hugs, laughing and eating!  No stress there.

Well, really there is a LITTLE stress because it may be the last time I get to be with her for a long time.  I don't like that part.

I am finally wearing the SFD blouse I finished a week ago.  I am wearing it in today's video, but I warn you!!!

You better wear protective eye covering of some kind.  The pattern on this blouse is ALIVE and moves all over the place.  I could be in one of those brain books about still things not standing still.

Here is my VLOG today.  It's a short one because my phone rang.  It was my sweet hubby telling me he is rushing back to me TODAY instead of tomorrow.  That makes me even happier than I already am today.

And for those that don't care to watch me in video, here is a picture of my hypnotic blouse, and also my matching pin cushion, Dotty.  It would be SO FUN to make a blouse like Phylly's with Dotty's fabric and my fabric.

Did you SEE Phylly's blog with her new blouse?????  Check it out here:

Just a Little Bit of Sewing

Hopefully, that is a link.  I wouldn't swear to it though.

I've gotta get.

Hugs, Joy

1 comment:

  1. You just need Denise, the Alien Chicken Pincushion in that picture with you and Dotty. She would have to wear her pinfeathers to fit in with you two. Of course, the Alien Mother Chicken Pincushion Ship, would probably activate its magnetic forces and you would have all sorts of metal things flying around you. That might be dangerous, but knowing Denise she would blame it all on your dotty blouse.

    Sorry, on my way home I was thinking about Denise and that she hadn't made an appearance in my blog yet. Of course, it might be a bit early for her first appearance. People need to know that I really am sane before she shows up.

    I'm going to miss you, too. I wish we lived closer.

    Hugs, Phylly


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Hugs, Joy