
Sunday, October 20, 2013

Sunday Update on Jerry

Hello friends!

I want to tell you how thankful I am for all the sweet comments to yesterday's post.  Your prayers and thoughts mean so much.  I read them all to Jerry.  He brags to people about my blog all the time, so I am so glad you are getting to know him.

Today has been lovely.  Hagee church on the internet this morning -- as always -- and then back to TRAINING CAMP for me.  Sadly, it has NOTHING to do with sewing or jewelry making.  Wish it did.

Some of you may not know that we own a Durable Medical Equipment business called Family Medical Supply.  We have two locations and a total of 19 employees.  Jerry is the brains of the outfit.  I am the bank statement and credit card reconciliation person, and I take care of our 60 boat storage units.  That business is called Affordable Boat & RV Storage.  I am also in charge of Personnel hiring, firing and training and keeping up with the endless paperwork required for us to be accredited.  I can do all that by working just one day a week, or two part days.  It is very nice.

Jerry, however, works 24-7 except for sleeping and watching some tv late in the evenings.  He usually starts in the home office in his underwear about 5 AM and later migrates to the store.  He does payroll and all the federal and state business that goes with it.  He manages all the 401K plans of our employees and each of us.

I JUST walked out and snapped this picture:

Working still, as you can see.

He also does all of the rehab wheelchairs which require an ATP (Assistive Technology Professional).  He had to study for months and take a 200-question test that took 4 hours in order to receive that designation.  If a DME business does not have an ATP, you cannot sell electric wheelchairs.  Since the main part of our business is electric wheelchairs, it is a HUGE problem if Jerry isn't there.

Maybe now you can understand the gurgling in my tummy and the "fear" I fight off constantly:  "WHAT if something happens to Jerry????????????"

All of that to say, I decided since we have these two days before the ball starts rolling towards surgery, I would have Jerry teach me all about payroll and the deductions and the reports, etc.

You should SEE my notes.  I'm up to 30 pages, legal size and still going.  I take really good notes though.  I have to!

This is a picture of Jerry TRYING to train me.

Doesn't look sick to me!

If it wasn't for the pain, we never would have known anything was wrong.  He looks like he always does:  like my True Love!!!

He totally tolerates me!  That is why I love him so much.  So many people don't.

Our good friends, Robert and Deanna, are coming over soon to bring Jerry some soup since that is all he seems to be able to eat.  Deanna asked me what I wanted, but I forgot to tell her to grab a nice cheesecake or chocolate cake with nuts on top.  Darn!

We had a lovely surprise visit from my daughter, Tammy, yesterday.  Tammy is a nurse and works at the Oklahoma Heart Hospital.  She has the "gift" if you know what I mean.  Anything wounded gets her immediate attention.  I always tell people that I hardly ever see my daughter, and we seldom get along, but if I EVER get sick or am in the hospital, she will show up with bells on!

And she did.  She had on her pretty nursing costume and she is wearing her hair naturally now with beautiful strawberry blonde (she will say her hair is NOT strawberry blonde, but it is to me) curls all over.  Wish I had snapped a picture.  She called me a while ago to inform me that she will be spending nights with her Dad in the hospital, and I can do days.  She will to.  I hope she knows how much comfort that gives me.  It makes up for all the missed birthdays, Mother's Days and Father's Days.  She always says that just isn't her thing -- UNLESS, of course, you happen to be hit by a car on those days and end up in the hospital.  (-;

I've got to go and watch Jerry work.

I keep hugging him and kissing him for some reason.

Actually, I do that all the time anyway.

Hugs, Joy


  1. I'm praying. If you have a chance, you might enjoy the message that Joel Osteen gave today. Here is a link, His message isn't up yet, but it should be in the next day or so. It was all about strength.

  2. Wrote a comment and I think it went out into lalaland before I could send it.

    Anyway, I'm glad you've taken this weekend to Be Still and Wait. The frustrations of dealing with doctors will begin tomorrow. I'm happy that Tammy will be at the hospital at night. I know you will sleep better knowing she is watching over him and you will get some rest.

    I've done payroll and taxes so you know I'll help if I can. There are also services that will do payroll for small companies. They take care of all the paperwork for taxes, too. We used one in Virginia at the Credit Union and I don't remember it being very expensive.
    Oh, and there is a song for you going around and around in my head, "His eye is on the sparrow, and I know He watches me." God knows the very number of hairs on Jerry's head and He knows what Jerry needs right now. I'm going to be praying that God will use the doctor as His instrument and that every nurse and doctor Jerry encounters will be blessed by knowing him and his faith in God.

    Hugs and Prayers, Phylly
    Hugs and prayers, Phylly

  3. Thanks Rhonda! I sure will. I love Joel. His mother was healed of cancer of the liver many years ago.

  4. You are amazing...thank you for taking time to share!!! I'll be praying for Jerry tomorrow.

  5. Joy and Jerry, What a testament to faith the two of you are! I have had you in my prayers since the first post (your mom too, Jerry). God is full of amazing power and you know that you are in his hands.

    Love and Many Prayers from New Mexico

  6. Rom 8:32 He that spared not his own Son, but delivered him up for us all, how shall he not with him also freely give us all things
    I am standing with you in faith believing for Jerry's complete recovery and for peace to guard your heart and mind.

  7. Joy just caught up with your latest posts and will keep Jerrry and you in my prayers
    Hugs Lyn


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Hugs, Joy