
Tuesday, October 22, 2013

We Meet the Surgeon This Morning

Just a very quick update, as I have to get in the shower.  Not much sleep at all last night for me, but Jerry sleeps like a baby.

We meet the surgeon for the first time this morning at 9:30.  As Phylly just emailed me, the ER acts like you have to have surgery the next minute, but when you FINALLY get the doctor to turn off his answering service and his staff answers the phone, they look up the next available appointment, and that is what you get.

My brother and his wife who have become preachers in the last couple years came over last night.  We had a marvelous time and before they left, we put Jerry in the middle of the den in a chair, and the three of us prayed together for him.  My brother anointed Jerry with oil and led the prayer.  WOW!  I've never seen my brother like that before.  Then Deana prayed.  WOW AGAIN!  She prayed the most beautiful prayer about God taking care of every issue so perfectly and smoothly that it would be like water flowing from a vessel.  What a blessing it all was.

Jerry is out of the shower, and it is my turn, so I have to hurry.  Leanida -- Jerry's Mom -- was transferred to a Hospice Home at 6:30 last night.  We will go visit her after Jerry's appointment, and then go to Kingfisher to make final arrangements.  Jerry INSISTS that he be involved, and I'm not fussing with him over anything right now.

We appreciate all your thoughts and prayers.  We serve a MIGHTY, AWESOME God, and nothing is too big for Him!  I love Him so.

Hugs, Joy


  1. Where two or more are and Jerry are in good hands :)

  2. "He will keep in perfect peace all those who trust in him, whose thoughts turn often to the Lord" Isa.26:3 TLB.

  3. AMEN! My heart is filled with Joy just reading your wonderful post. I feel like I was there with praying and then reading everyone's prayers. All I can say is Thank you LORD for answered prayers.


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I do enjoy receiving comments, especially, when they are to answer my questions!

Hugs, Joy