
Sunday, November 3, 2013

A New Direction

Good Saturday Morning!  I'm typing this from our home in Kingston, OK where we arrived yesterday afternoon.  Jerry is so happy to be here.  He slept 11 hours last night, and I slept 9.  Just so good to be "home" again.  (OOPS!  My computer got a bad bug somehow.  Jerry spent many hours finding it and killing it!  I'm SO GLAD he knows how to do that!  Anyway, post is a day late.)

My blog started out being all about my Sure-fit Designs sewing odyssey.  Remember these?

Then I took that jewelry class from, and I started talking about sewing and then making jewelry to match. That was a fun journey.

Remember the very first piece I made?  It looks like I spray-painted spaghetti and glued peas to it!  I still like it though because it was first.

And this silver set I made to match a christmassy pine cone print blouse.  Not a very good picture.  It is sparkly silver.

All of that seems to have come to a screeching halt right now though, although I might finish a knit top to show you later today.  Jerry and I have been blessed to be extremely healthy all of our lives.  We aren't good at being sick, if that makes sense.  The heavy weight on your soul is almost unbearable at times.  I have found, however, that the fear of the unknown is worse than fighting the beast.  If you KNOW what you are fighting, then you can choose your weapons and plan your strategy.

I have already found out that there is one AMAZING side-effect of receiving a life-threatening diagnosis, and that is the kindness and generosity of so many people.  People you may have known for a very long time, but you had no idea they ever gave you a passing thought.  Family members that you seldom get along with and have nothing in common with.  A neighbor that you have talked with a few times, but didn't really think any kind of relationship other than "neighbor" would come of it.  And, in our case, employees.

EVEN Jerry's brothers who don't even believe in God have called with such concern and have offered to pray even though God probably won't hear them (according to them).

After my post about Jerry's PET scan, we received the sweetest, heartfelt, loving texts, emails and phone calls from all of the above people.  One sweet employee offered to come cook for us and clean our house.  Others offered "anything" they could do.  Our managers told us they would take care of our business, and we were not to worry about anything at the 2 stores.

Phylly, of course, is there for us at all times and she knows HOW to pray and believe with us.  How do I know that?  She emails me her prayers!

Jerry received a long text last night from one of our male employees, and it was so precious.  Jerry called him to thank him.  He told Jerry he was the "best boss in the whole world" and suggested we find the best place there is for treatment.  My managers both offered anything they could do.  One said to call even if it was the middle of the night.

Our next-door neighbor here in the woods -- about 5 acres away -- texted me last week after the CAT scan.  She told me I could ask her to do anything.  She said I could cry on her shoulder and she would be my new best friend.  The fact that I don't have ANY friends down here makes that a very comforting offer.  She and her husband watch our home here when we are gone.

Because all of this happened while going through Mom's last days, all of Jerry's relatives know about it.  They, too, have called and asked how they can help.

And there is the phone call that I just received this morning from my sister.  She and I are close but not-close, if that makes sense.  We seem to get along in short spurts of time before the relationship explodes and falls apart for the millionth time.  She was upset that I had not called her about Jerry.  She doesn't have a cell phone or a computer, so she can't read my blog.  AND, since we are currently at odds, I didn't feel comfortable talking to her about it.  She heard from my brother what is going on, so she called to offer her help.  And WHAT she offered is something I never would have thought of asking anyone to do.  She offered to take our two cats, Barney and Boots, and keep them at her house until this ordeal is over for us.  WOW!  What an offer!  My sister is really good with animals of all kinds, and I know she will spoil them rotten.  They may never want to see us again!

BUT, NOT ONLY THAT!  She offered to give Jerry her blood and her bone marrow if he needs it!  She has Type O blood, and I guess it is suppose to be a match for everyone, or something.  I don't know about that stuff, but what an offer!  

And, of course, YOU, my blog friends.  I appreciate all of you so much -- your prayers and your kind words and your advice.  Thank you so much!

What happens NEXT, happens next Friday, October 8th.  We will go BACK to Mercy in Oklahoma City, and Jerry will have a bone marrow biopsy.  They will cut a hole into his pelvis and take out a sample.  THAT will tell us exactly which KIND of Lymphoma -- if it is Lymphoma -- that Jerry has, and it will determine whether or not it is treatable and if the spleen has to come out.

Right now, I'm going to get ready for this beautiful autumn day in the woods.  I want to finish the blouse I started BEFORE all this happened.  I'll show you later.

Hugs, Joy


  1. I believe that God honors a pure heart and that is why so many have offered their help. I pray that God's tender mercies continue to shine on you and that you both come out the other side of this trial with your faith even stronger. God Bless! The other Joy

  2. I'm so gratified to hear of the outpouring of offers of help and care from those near and not so near to you. How wonderful .. God bless them. I know that has to be so welcoming and heartwarming to you both, and you both clearly and dearly deserve such care and help.

    This is a very critically important decision point, and since you are at this place of 'unknowns,' may I suggest you consider getting a 2nd opinion at the Mayo Clinic before you make what may be any irrevocable decisions. They have an acknowledged global reputation of excellence for a reason: the experience, experts and resources in every field of medicine. You've both worked so hard all these years. What's more important going forwrd than your health? Were I
    in your shoes, that's the place I'd consult before this critical decision and/or procedure.

    Their contact and appointment information:

    I know you'll be praying intently, and I hope you'll discuss this possibility among the others and seek guidance from those you trust. I'll be holding you both in my prayers for Jerry's health, patience and healing and your calm and loving support so you can be his shoulder to lean on in his time of need. God love and bless you both and hold you in the palm of His hands.


    1. Thank you so much, Joy! I did call Cancer Treatment Centers of America today to find out that they don't take lowly Medicare insurance except for a few patients a year AND they have to be local. Therefore, they won't take Jerry. I looked up Mayo, and it seems to be only in other states. I will research it more, however. Thank you so much for your thoughts, prayers and advice! I appreciate it so much.
      I also called the "best" Oncologist in Oklahoma City according to my research, and he will see Jerry AFTER the biopsy results come in. Another 5 to 7 days after the surgery on Friday.
      Hugs, Joy

    2. Would you not consider going outside OK .. flying to their main facility in Minnesota or their facility in Arizona? Many folks do .. from everywhere. You have a great and responsible staff to take care of your business. Jerry's health situation .. I know that's your greatest priority. I heard someone say one time. this is your one life (on earth). In your situation, I wouldn't hesitate to consider consulting the very best in medicine, and I'll continue to hold you in my prayers.

    3. Ooops .. from:


  3. Wow Joy, I haven't read your blog for a couple of months. I used to get notifications when you posted something but I haven't been getting them. I sent you an email on your You Tube account because I didn't know how to contact you and then I thougt I would jump to FB and I saw your reference to go to your blog so here I am. I am so sorry to hear about your MIL passing and your husband being diagnosed with lymphoma....I will keep you both in my prayers. My BIL has been living with the same conditon for years. As long as he keeps getting his treatments he is fine. When they were traveling in their RV last winter he had a doctor tell him his tests looked so good that he could skip his treatment that month and he told him the same thing the next month so he went 2 months without his normal IVG treatment which allowed his immune system to get so low and he got sick...we thought we were going to loose him. He caught somethiing called Valley Fever from the dust in the desert...After resuming his treatments and lots of prayers he is as good as new it is possible to have a good life with this disease. The message I sent you on You Tube was regarding a sewing class in Moore, Ok. I wasn't sure how close you are but after reading your blog I am sure you have too much on your mind right now to attend a sewing class...God bless you and your family. I am so glad you are a christian and you have the lord too lean on. I agree with you...I don't know how people get through things like this without God. Philippians 4:6-7
    Sandy in Southern Oregon

    1. Thanks Sandy! I replied to your comment SOMEwhere, lol. I appreciate your telling me about your BIL. Good to know! Thanks so much for your comment.
      Hugs, Joy

  4. Prayers going up for you and Jerry. Dealing with your partner being ill is probably one of the scariest things you'll ever go through. Praying God sends His Comforting Spirit to help ease you through this valley and His Healing Spirit so that you'll be standing once again on that mountain with revived joy and faith. Thanks for your blog. I really enjoy reading it. Blessings, Lisa

    1. Thank you so much, Lisa. I appreciate your thoughts and prayers so much. Right now, we continue to wait. I'm taking lessons from Jerry as much as time permits on how to run our business if he wasn't here. SHOCKING what is in that man's head and nowhere else!
      Hugs, Joy

  5. Joy you and Jerry are in my thoughts everyday.
    Knowledge is power - so much easier to cope when you know what you have got to fight.
    My DH was overwhelmed with the kindness and generosity of friends and work colleagues when he was diagnosed with a brain tumour 2 years ago - he has rather warped sense of humour and said it was nice to know how people regarded him in person 'cause he wouldn't get to hear it when he had gone to his maker. luckily surgery removed that golf ball and he regained his sight - so we count our blessing everyday.
    So hugs to you both and be kind to yourselves.
    I actually hand pieced a quilt while waiting in consultation rooms and the hospital amazing what you can do in the hanging around time - I donated the quilt.


    1. Skye, you certainly understand what we are going through. The hard part for me is the WAITING. We wait until Friday for the biopsy -- then we wait 5 to 7 days for the results -- then we go see the Oncologist -- then I don't know... You'd think things would move a lot faster if something is this serious. Thanks for the comment. I bet I could make something too. I'll have to decide what.
      Hugs, Joy


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I do enjoy receiving comments, especially, when they are to answer my questions!

Hugs, Joy