
Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Tuesday's Troubles

It is already 9 PM here in Southern Oklahoma, and I am a very tired girl.  I woke up early this morning and decided to jump right into the shower and go into work early.  There is a donut shop right across the street from our store, so I went there for coffee and a ham and cheese croissant.  As I drove up to the drive-in window at 7:30 this morning, I noticed that it was dark inside.  I asked the guy in the window why his lights were off.  He told me the whole town's lights were off including mine.  My driver had just been by there and told him so.
AARRGGHH!  I was so upset.  I had my briefcase full of work, a Braum's bag filled with my lunch of homemade chicken noodle soup and crackers and my notebook where I'm keeping track of all the things I can't forget concerning Jerry's appointments.  I bought a cold ham and cheese and drove 8 miles back to the house.  I tossed the ham and cheese croissant into the microwave and heated it for a minute.  It was hot enough to melt the counter, and the croissant looked like it had shrunk in half just before exploding into several pieces.  I ate it anyway.

Half-way through my very hot sandwich, my cell phone beeped.  It was a message from the store saying the lights were back on.  I gathered up everything but lunch, and I headed back to the store where I worked a full 8-hour day.  Unusual for me.  I needed to get everything done I possibly could do before heading back to Oklahoma City for Jerry's appointments -- the waiting -- and more appointments.

I did call Cancer Treatment Centers of America in Tulsa today.  I talked to Carla who was VERY NICE at first.

They would be terribly THRILLED to meet Jerry and help him through his ordeal UNTIL Carla found out he had Medicare and Blue Cross for insurance.

It seems they are way too high class for such crummy insurance that does not appreciate the high level of their services.  PLUS, they only take patients who live in Tulsa.

I couldn't believe it!

Gotta go.  Jerry is watching a video of a miraculous healing on the Andrew Wommack website at  Very inspiring!  SO MANY well-documented healings from babies to men older than Jerry.
Hugs, Joy


  1. Hi Joy, I love Andrew Wommack! He raised his own son from the dead after 5 hours.
    Hebrews 11:1 Now faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see. All we need is faith as small as a mustard seed and we can tell that mountain to be cast in the sea. In the name of JESUS I'm commanding that the devil take his hands off Jerry and be casted into the sea and for complete healing in his body & mind. I'm also praying for strength & peace for each of you. That you feel Jesus's loving arms wrapped around you. For His angels to take charge of you and to surround you with protect. Amen.

  2. Hang in there Joy. Just try to stay in peace and know that even though you may not see a way, God has a way :)

  3. I would like to know why Cancer Treatment Centers of America advertises on national TV when they (or that center) only take people from Tulsa and they obviously age discriminate when they won't take anyone on Medicare. Apparently it's not in God's plan for Jerry to go there or he would have gotten in regardless. You both are in my prayers!

  4. Dear Joy and Jerry, continue to find peace in the Good Lord - I find this simple prayer is always very helpful "Jesus, I trust in You". You are both continually in my prayers. Gi from Ontario, Canada.


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Hugs, Joy