
Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Lunch Date and Too-Tired Hubby

This was a nice day, although I think Fall snuck away in the middle of the night without me noticing it.  I went to pick Margaret up for lunch wearing my usual tee shirt and jeans.  I did slip on an unbuttoned denim shirt over my tee JUST IN CASE it was cold in the restaurant.  My car was in the garage, so I didn't really notice what the temperature was outside.  The sun had been shining all morning, so I ASSUMED it was as warm as it has been day after day.

When Margaret came out of her garage to get in my car, I noticed she was wearing a turtleneck, a heavy coat and gloves.  I thought it was a bit strange.  I was in my car and I didn't have the heater on.



we got to Applebee's.

We got out of the car, and I was afraid I wouldn't make it to the door before turning into an ice cube!

I needed to go to Walmart and buy some things.  Well, actually, I always need to go to Walmart and buy some things, but I have put it off day after day.  I was really going to go today UNTIL I decided lemons, limes and thank you cards could wait until I had 10 layers of clothing on!  I stayed home the rest of the day.

Applebee's has changed their menu again, as they often do.  They especially like to change it when I have found my all time favorite dish.  The last one was a spinach salad with strawberries and chicken.  Margaret and I had to go through the new menu -- a book really -- to find what we wanted for lunch.  Fortunately, we both loved what we got.

Here's what I had.  It is a GRILLED BLT with cheese and an oriental salad with fried chicken on top.  The sandwich was AWESOME!  Certainly not included in my DESM diet, but I don't eat that every day.

Here's Margaret with her yummy lunch.  It was some kind of corn soup and the same salad except her chicken was grilled.
Applebee's is always at least half empty, and I don't know why.  I always like what I order there, and the waiters are nice.

Jerry had to go to the attorney's office today to figure out how to finalize arrangements for them to do payroll for our company.  Looks like Jerry will have to do it again at least one more time before everything can be set up.  After that, he went to our store for the rest of the afternoon.  He worked until 6 PM due to some computer issues, and then came home.

Jerry walked in the door from the garage at 6:30 -- walked through the kitchen with his coat still on -- fell into the blue recliner right across from where I am typing this post -- and he has been sound asleep ever since.  He hasn't even had supper.  I can tell he is really running out of steam.  I will be so glad when we get this show on the road, and whatever is going to happen, starts happening.

We see the Oncologist Friday morning at 10:45.  Hopefully, we will receive a definitive answer as to what exactly is wrong with him and how we can get it fixed.  We, of course, continue to pray for a miracle.



  1. I continue to hold Jerry (and you) in my prayers for God's blessed healing. This waiting is agony .. just awful that you both have to endure this. And God is right there with you, every step and second for you to lean on. May He shine His mercy on you.


  2. The advantage of not having your car in the garage: Finding God's beautiful "lace" on your windshield and all of your car windows. Just beautiful.

    The disadvantage: Having to scrape that beautiful lace off so you can see to get to work in a timely manner and freezing your tailfeathers off while doing it.

    Loving you, Phylly

  3. Applebee's is good ALL the time. Ours (in Sioux Falls) doesn't appear to be busy lots of times either, but if you get there at the "wrong time" they are jam packed full. :)
    We've been in the single digits...going back up to the 40's for a few days. Yay!

  4. Hi Joy,
    It is me Deborah from Ozark, MO. New to SFD and we have emailed a couple of times. This is the first time I have commented on your blog. I am just learning how to do this. Anyway, I too love Applebee's as it is a great place to go with friend and my husband and I do it frequently. Just know I am praying for you and Jerry. Anyway, bye for now and I will have to check again to see if this finally posted. You take care.


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Hugs, Joy