
Sunday, November 10, 2013

Sunday and What the Elf Invented

Of course, today started with church.  Pastor Hagee is talking about Godless America.  It is really depressing to listen to because it is all so true.  I haven't been watching the news, but from what he said, America is currently making some kind of agreement with Iran.  HUH!!!!????

Lots of the congregation were dressed in their military garb today since tomorrow is Veteran's Day.  The music was geared to every branch of service, and it was a nice celebration of patriotism.  Nice to see patriotism SOMEwhere these days.

As we wait to hear the biopsy results, I decided to make the MOST DIFFICULT bracelet in the world!!!

I started yesterday after lunch.  I worked until 5:30.  I started right after church this morning, and except for going to get a hamburger with Jerry, I worked until 3:00.

Actually, I made TWO bracelets, but I ended up with only one.  That is because I tore the first one mostly apart, and I started over.

I have decided that I really like making chain mail.  Funny name, I know.

The knights wore garments made from it to keep from getting impaled on each others swords, but this is just jewelry chain mail.

Same idea.  A million little metal rings hooked together.

Here's a picture of some you can actually purchase right now, today.  Those people that play act the olden days make it.

I have a feeling that chain maille garment was EASIER to make than the bracelet I just finished.

At least, the guy didn't have to put beads in it!

This pattern is called "Elf Weave".

I don't know what elf invented it, but he must have been a clever little guy!

First of all, I did NOT have the same size rings that the instructor was using, nor did I have the same size beads.

Now, considering that I have spent $5,000 plus on jewelry paraphernalia, that is hard to believe, but it is true.

Here is bracelet #1 that has a Spring Blue collection of Swarovski crystals in it:

I discovered that I should have added ONE MORE BEAD at the end before closing the bracelet.  Most people would have just let it go, but NOT ME!  Oh, No!  I couldn't dare have such a glaring mistake in my bracelet.  So this morning, I cut the wire that held all the beads, and I pulled them all out.  I removed the clasps, and I started over with gold beads.

Here is the same bracelet with all gold beads:

Jerry likes this version much better.

Sorry the pictures aren't that good.  Jewelry is really hard to photograph.  When I put the camera on super-close-up, it focuses the hairs on my arm instead of the bracelet.  I look like a hairy bear!

I think I'm going to try a silver version next as soon as I recover from making this one.  Good thing I don't make a living selling jewelry.  I would have to charge $300 for this thing!

I think I need to jump on the trampoline for a few moments and get my blood flowing.  Then maybe I'll try a set of earrings to match.

Hugs, Joy


  1. Those bracelets are so pretty - you are very talented


  2. Beautiful bracelets Joy. I can't wait to see what you use those pretty blue crystals for.

  3. They were both beautiful, but I loved the first one. It looked so delicate. I think those crystals would be beautiful in silver wires, too. Actually, they would probably be even prettier in silver. Hugs, Phylly

  4. I agree with Phylly, I like the first one best. You do such a good job on all your jewelry and you are your own worst critic. Aren't you proud of me, I finally figured out how to respond on your blog page, thanks to Phylly. Love you guys and agreeing in prayer for complete healing because, by His stripes we ARE healed.


  5. I love the blue one best too! I loved showing the quilt you made to all the relatives this weekend. We are to strive for perfection, but I rarely get more power to you!!


  6. Hi Joy.This is Zohra.I write poems and I have a blog that you can see.My blog website is:
    I hope you enjoy them,and please give me some feedback on my poems.Another thing I would I like to say is, is that I love your bracelets.Both of them are very cool and cute.How did you and how do you make them?Can you please tell me how you do make them because I'm doing a project where I have to invent something is not already invented and I am making bracelets,but they have to be unique and different from the other bracelets.So,I was thinking I would make bracelets like yours


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I do enjoy receiving comments, especially, when they are to answer my questions!

Hugs, Joy