
Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Jerry Might be Pregnant!


I cook every night, and there are usually leftovers every day for him to eat for lunch.  I was at work all day yesterday, and Jerry was on his own.  He drank protein drinks and had a bowl of cereal during the day.  When I got home last night, he said he wasn't hungry.  A little while later, he cut a piece of cherry pie and came upstairs with it.  I asked him if that was his dinner.  He said it was all that looked good to him.

He ate the pie, and then we started watching this new TV series we have been watching called "Glee".  After we watched a couple of shows, Jerry asked me:

"Do we have any popcorn?"

I said, "Popcorn?"  Don't you want to eat some supper?

He said, "No!  Nothing sounds good to me.  It is like being pregnant."

I went into the kitchen and made him some popcorn, and because it was "for him", I loaded it with butter and salt.  I took it out to Jerry, and he started eating it.  Then he insisted I help him eat it.  Since I usually eat DRY popcorn with a little salt on it that tastes more like wood chips than popcorn, I LOVED my share of Jerry's bowl of popcorn.  I'm sure I am wearing it on my hips today, however.

So far, tonight, he hasn't asked for anything unusual to eat.  He did eat supper tonight.

Jerry is at the end of his first Chemo treatment.  He hasn't gained any weight, but he hasn't lost any more either.  He is not taking any pain pills.  What I notice the most is that he gets tired easily.  Just a phone call wears him out to the point he has to go lie down.  He may not shower until 4:00 in the afternoon.  He will be in his office one minute, and lying on the bed the next.

I did finish a new Cutting Line Designs skirt today, and I really like it.  I don't have any boots here though, so I placed an order with --- remember them? -- shoes in one day with free shipping both ways -- and they will be here either tomorrow or Friday depending on whether or not Zappos is closed on New Year's Day.  When my boots come -- if any of them fit -- I will model my skirt.  I am SO PROUD of myself because I lined it.  I never line anything, so that is a pretty big deal for me.  Surprisingly simple to do.

I better get.

Wishing all my readers the BEST YEAR EVER!

I will spend the 1st half of 2014 doing all I can to help my husband get well, and I will spend the REST OF MY LIFE praising God that he is well again!

Hugs, Joy

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Hugs, Joy