
Thursday, January 2, 2014

My FIRST Garment of 2014

 Hey - hey - hey!  HOW exciting is this?  I got to make something yesterday.

WARNING to any new readers that may wander to my blog from the 2014 RTW Fast FB Page, please just skip over any non-related issues such as my husband's Chemotherapy.  Instead of contacting 50 different people every day to update them on his progress, I post here on my blog.  I will put a heading where my 2014 RTW Fast post is.  See below ....

And, YES, I probably should have TWO blogs, but I haven't figured out how to do that yet.

And WARNING #2:  I talk about everything else in the world too.

Update on Jerry:

This morning, he was feeling like himself again.  He ate a normal breakfast and a normal lunch and said that I didn't smell funny.

You read that right!

He told me yesterday that PEOPLE smelled funny to him.

He told me he almost threw up the other day when my sister got close to him.  (Cigarettes, maybe.)

I asked him how I smelled, and he said, "Not like you used to."

I got a hug and a kiss today, so I think I may smell a little better today OR his smeller is functioning a little better.

2014 RTW FAST:

And for my regular readers, I must tell you about my new endeavor.

Sarah of Goodbye Valentino has started a "club" -- a "group" -- a "gaggle" (oh, wait: that's geese) -- of women -- and maybe men -- that are joining her in a Ready-To-Wear Fast for all of 2014.

Sarah sews beautiful, couture garments that roll out of her sewing room like a factory.  She has zillions of readers at her blog  Goodbye Valentino | hello needle and thread, and she has inspired so many people with her awesome creations.  Compared to the garments she makes, mine are kindergarten.

Look at this one:

"nuff said!

GOOD HEAVENS!  How can I post pictures of this plain, black skirt after THAT picture of Sarah????

Here goes anyway:

This is a Louise Cutting pattern.

I had made the blouse before, and I didn't like the fit.  Phylly isn't as picky about fit as I am, so she took the blouse.  I tossed the paper pattern pieces in the trash.

The skirt was VERY EASY to fit and easy to make.  I wanted to make it out of denim, and I still may, but I didn't have any ready-to-sew denim on hand.  You have to wash denim 3 or 4 times before cutting it out because it shrinks forever.

Here is a picture of the front of the skirt.   I made this skirt to wear with boots, but I don't have any boots, so until they come tomorrow from Zappos, you will have to imagine them.

I made the blouse too, but that was in 2013, so just ignore it.

And here is the BACK of the skirt.

And I just noticed dishes all over the counter top from when I made Jerry popcorn the other night.

I'm not starting over, so please just ignore all dishes!

And the part I really like about the skirt
is this:



Elastic Waistband

I lightened the black so you could see the stitching detail.  The skirt really is very black.

my first attempt at lining a skirt.  Not too hard at all!  I just folded the pockets away when I cut out the lining pieces.

Time to go cut something else out.

Wonder if you get a prize if you make the MOST items in a year.  I can make a LOT of blouses, let me tell you.  The only problem is, where will I find an empty closet to hang any more of them!?

Hey Phylly!  You need to join me.  I keep forgetting to tell you about this.

Happy Sewing! 

Hugs, Joy


  1. I'll bet you get tons of wear out of that skirt. I need to pull out that pattern (I think I have it) and make the skirt!

    1. Yeah, Linda. As soon as my boots get here, I'm putting it back on. I may wear it to the vet today, lol. Our cat has a wound, and we have no idea how he got it.
      Hugs, Joy

  2. great looking skirt


  3. It's a great skirt - you will get more wear out of that than a couture evening gown :). I'm joining Sarah's RTW fast as well, and also have my own challenge running -

    1. Goodness, I could join that one too. I think I've seen a "button" about that at some other blogs. Let me know when you make something so I can see!
      Hugs, Joy

  4. Joy you will get so much wear out of that skirt. I need to focus on basics too for my RTW fast. I'm cheering you on all the way.

  5. That is a beautiful skirt. I love long skirts and yours hangs so beautifully. Gosh, about the last thing you need is 2 blogs, and we want to hear about Jerry, so you're right, if someone doesn't like reading about chemo or whatever, they can skip over that part.

    1. Thank you, Judi. One blog only. I'm not trying to be the next Gertie or Sarah anyway. I just do this for fun, and it helps me remember longer than five minutes what I did the day before! (-;
      Hugs, Joy

  6. Joy... love your new skirt. I wouldn't toss the blouse, it looks great with the skirt, though I'm sure you have some other blouse fabric stashed away somewhere that will become its new companion.

    And Sarah's blue dress - from her old Vogue pattern - is gorgeous (of course, she carries it off so well). As I looked at the design lines, I couldn't help but think you already have (almost) that exact dress design in your SFD instructions. In case you're interested, it's Style #1 - the Empire dress, from Beyond Bodice Basics. Instead of drawing a midriff pattern, you'd join the lower bodice section to the top of the skirt pattern, and simply take the waist fitting darts up to the lower edge of the empire seam line. The cross-over surplice front is the same, just add the collar. And 3/4 length sleeves finish it off.

    Sarah has a great idea for a NO RTW for 2014 club - wish I'd have thought of it. Though even with that thought, I realize I'd need at least one clone to carry it off.

    Nice to see you back sewing best to Jerry!
    Kindly, Glenda


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Hugs, Joy