
Thursday, May 8, 2014

AARRGGHH! So Much To Say But.....

My goodness!  What is with computers?!

I had a lot of time today to show you some pictures and tell you about the wonderful visit from my daughter.  I went upstairs and sat down in front of my Dell computer that has Windows 7 on it.  My name was there underneath the big orange daisy and the cursor was flashing in the "password" box.

I typed in my password.

It is the same password I have had since computers were invented.  I never change it.  It is the same on this laptop and my computer at the other house and my computer at work.

For some mysterious reason the computer decided I WASN'T ME and my password WAS WRONG.

I put it in a thousand times.  I used caps -- no caps -- half caps -- and whatever else I could think of!

It never took.

Therefore, I am on my laptop which is a very nice computer, BUT it doesn't have all my pictures in it.

HEY!  I wonder if I could go get that camera cord -- hook it to this laptop -- and upload -- or is it download -- the pictures to this laptop.

OH WAIT, that won't work.  I don't have Photo Shop on this computer, so I can't shrink the size of them or cut out the laundry on the floor or the half-eaten cookie on the sewing table.


I called my brother, our former computer tech.  He couldn't help.  I called the big company that fixes our store computers.  They could help IF I would just drive 200 miles and deliver the computer to them.  Then Jerry reminded me of Shannon in the wheelchair who is a computer tech and lives close to us here.

YES!  Great idea.  Only problem is he can't get up my stairs with his electric wheelchair.

Final plan is to take the computer to his office tomorrow morning.

You might say a quick prayer for me that I can disconnect the tangled web of wires from it and get it separated from all of its devices.

Actually, if I appear in front of Jerry with a tool or two in my hand, he will QUICKLY become alarmed and follow me to the problem.

Love that about him!

I want to thank all of you dear ladies for your sweet remarks to my last post.  The person that said that to me loves to stir up trouble and hurt people.  She even told me that herself.  She could be such a lovely person if she just wanted to be.  She is very smart and pretty.  It is a shame she is so bitter against people who truly care about her.

Come back tomorrow.  MAYBE I'll have a fun post for you to read.

Hugs, Joy

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Hugs, Joy