
Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Phylly's Jeans

A quick HELLO and some pics of Phylly's AMAZING jeans.

I have made jeans several times, and I know how hard it is to get all that topstitching perfect.  Phylly ripped it out in places over and over, but she never gave up.  The jeans are so cute and fit so well.

Check out those pocket flaps.  Better pic below.

VERY HARD to do because you aren't sure if the pockets are too high or too low or too close to center or too far away.  So much to consider before permanently attaching the flaps.

Phylly learned that us people who have flat backsides are supposed to put pocket flaps on our jeans.

Mine may have to remain flapless.

Remember that lace top she is wearing?

I made it with my Sure-fit Designs kit.  I gave it to her because after I wore it for a short time, it started scratching my neck.

I have INSANELY sensitive skin.

I was standing next to my husband's desk this morning.  I lifted up my tee shirt over my bra -- then I flipped the top of my bra down -- then I pulled a piece of tape off his tape spool -- then I started rubbing the tape inside my bra.

I didn't even think about Jerry watching what I was doing.  After all, I could sit on his lap as naked as a Jay Bird, and he would say, "You are blocking my view!"

I was just minding my own business taping whatever sharp object was poking my boob when Jerry said, "WHAT is your problem, Joy!?"

I cracked up laughing at the thought of what I must have looked like!

I told him something was poking my boob and I was trying to get it off my bra but it was too small to see -- NOT my boob -- the sharp object!

And here is the front of Phylly's new jeans.

PERFECT top-stitching.

I can't tell you the pattern.  It is a combination of Jennifer Stern, Angela Wolf and Sure-fit Designs.

Phylly is coming over this Saturday, and we are going to have a PLAY DAY!

We are both so excited.  We are breaking for lunch to meet Margaret at some "new to us" restaurant.  Margaret is allergic to sewing, but she does eat.

Actually, I have been trying all day to get into my sewing boxes to find a project for us to work together on.  Phylly wants us to do the same thing so we can work together -- maybe a new tee shirt.

We usually talk and laugh so much, the day is gone before we get the pattern ready, never mind the garment sewn.

We don't care though.  We get to sew together, and that is what makes us happy.

Here is a close-up of those fabulous pockets.  See the belt loops too.  I am SO IMPRESSED.  Hope she wears them Saturday so I can see them in person.

Gotta go.

Hugs, Joy


  1. Why, thank ya, thank ya! I am so glad that you like them. I am very pleased with them, even if I do say so. I still thi k they are too b ig around the waist, but the belt takes care of that.
    Can' wait for Saturday.

    Hugs, Phylly

    PS. I do hope the blinds were closed when you were doing the inside out bra sweeping job! If not, the neighbors are going to think you have some weird morning ritual!

  2. I admire anyone who can make jeans, especially jeans with great topstitching and fancy pockets. Phylly did an excellent job. Major Score!

  3. I hope Phylly reads this did such a great job of everything about the jeans - fabulous top-stitching! And Joy...your lace SFD top is a perfect combination with the jeans and it looks so cute on Phylly. I wore mine on Sunday. I'm amazed that I don't scratch myself silly wearing it. It's one of the few lace fabrics my skin will tolerate. It's great to read your blog, Joy. And once again, well done Phylly! Kindly, Glenda...(the Good Stitch)

  4. Hi Joy, I have been reading your blog for some time now, and am so glad Jerry is doing so well.

    I have been meaning to ask you for some time now for the pattern maker and number (if you have it) for the sleeveless shift dress (I believe it's green or teal with black print) that is on your blog right hand bottom side when I open your blog to read it. It looks so comfortable and I need comfort here now that it's in the mid-90's and going to stay that way for the next few weeks.

    Thanks for any help and info.........Laura

    1. Oh, my, Laura!

      You give me credit for having a MUCH BETTER memory than I have, lol. I believe it was a commercial pattern. IF it is the turquoise one with the giraffe print, it is New Look #6803. Very simple shift with pleats at the top front. Hope that is the one you like.

      Hugs, Joy

    2. OH MY, Laura!

      It is your LUCKY DAY! I just found the one you are looking for. It is the black fish print dress AND the turquoise dress -- both on the right hand side of my blog.

      THAT pattern is New Look 6080. It is a great pattern with french darts and pleats. It can be a blouse or dress. There is a jacket with it too.

      Hugs, Joy

    3. THANK YOU!!! Off tomorrow to find it. I also think my DGD will like it, too.

  5. great looking jeans.
    Want to sew me some LOL
    have a great day sewing together



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Hugs, Joy