
Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Will I EVER Learn and a Video

Well, I did it AGAIN!

I bought another Silhouette Pattern thinking it would somehow -- for once -- magically turn out.  I could have tweaked my Sure-fit Designs pants pattern, but I figured my measurements had probably changed again, and Peggy says her patterns ALWAYS fit.

I did not realize the extreme clown-like shape of these pants at the time I held the pattern piece up in front of my body to show you the turquoise fabric with the white dot.  LOOK at the pattern piece in the video.  It is ONE HALF of either the front or back of the pant -- but it just about covers my entire body!!!  That SHOULD have been a clue, but I didn't notice it.  After all, I had measured me and added the recommended amount according to the directions, so I just assumed it would be right.

I wish I had thought to take a pic of the pant when I first tried it on.  I would have had to hold it up with both hands, however, or it would have fallen straight to the floor!  It was HUGE!  Honestly, I could have gotten BOTH of my legs from the mid thigh down into the pants EASILY.  I later took an inch off each side of the hip and several inches off the leg, and they are still too big for me.

It was a "muslin", but it would have been cute.  If I keep on taking them in, I am going to sew the pockets shut!

I made you a little video because I got my new camera cord today.  I have the Silhouette pattern in my hand.

And by the way,
It is a HONG KONG finish that I did on the seams inside the jacket.  I don't know where the words hide in my brain when I need to grab them!

Here is the white jacket.

I took a still picture to be sure one side of the front wasn't longer than the other side because it appeared to be that way in the video.

This jacket is still too baggy in the back, but I have to wait for Saturday so Phylly can help me fix it.  Perhaps it could use a good pressing.

A tad more tweaking, and I think it will be wearable.  The fabric is a stretch denim.

I'm thinking of sewing some hooks and eyes down the front so I can join it.  Maybe not. Having a sliver of your chubby self showing is supposed to be slimming.  

My bed is calling me.

Be back soon.

Hugs, Joy


  1. Just loved your little vlogg ~ it gave me a giggle! Love the jacket, so glad you didn't toss it out. And those pants, yep, they look like they will be Bombay Bloomers on you ... enjoy your week ... J

  2. Hi Joy, re the pants, did you measure the pattern itself to see what the actual circumference was before you cut? I've gotten in the habit of flat measuring ALL patterns before I cut. Saves me a lot of grief. cute, cute jacket.

  3. How are you choosing your size in Peggy's patterns? The measurements on back are finished garment measurements. Measure a pair of pants (hips) that you like and compare and use that to choose the size. Using that I've had three of her pant patterns fit me straight out of the envelope. I haven't had to alter ANYTHING!

    Cute jacket. Love the front finish.

    1. Hi Debbie,
      From what I can tell -- now that it is ALL in the trash -- the problem was the pant was supposed to fall TWO INCHES BELOW the waist. It actually came quite a bit ABOVE my waist. I could not tell that in the paper. The legs are VERY, VERY wide. I cut them down to the smallest size she had, and they were still way too big and boxy. I'm going back to SFD.
      Hugs, Joy

  4. Love your jacket. Can you tell me what pattern it is? Could not find a Simplicity Pattern that has a ruffle. You said you thought it might be a Simplicity I believe.

    Thanks Jou.

    Love your Blog


  5. I love the jacket and I love you too. You always brighten my day. I can't wait to get to my computer and see what you are sharing next.I hope you are enjoying being back in Edmond with your girlfriends.Please Please tell Philly how much I love her jeans and what a terriffic job she did on them!!

    1. I surely will, Anita.
      You must meet us for lunch sometime. Wish we weren't so far from Norman.
      Hugs, Joy

  6. I thnk we spoke about sfd

  7. can you help me or offer some advice? I think you said you had something you could send when you were at your other house...this is your other house????

    1. What exactly is it that you need help with on your Sure-fit Designs kits? Have you purchased them? Have you used them? I need more information.
      Hugs, Joy

    2. Several weeks back I mentioned to you that I made the body blue print ...but now I want to make a blouse & the one I made did not look I thought you mentioned something about you did a video about SFD but you did not have the right cord for the house you were in at the time but you would send it when you got to your other house...I need advice on taking the BBP & making it into a nice blouse/top for the summer...have you made any tank tops...I need some tanks to wear under my blouses cause I gained weight & my blouses pop open at the bust...I hate than...any suggestions is what I am looking for...when YO ucan I know hyou are busy...have fun w/Phylly...God bless. MG

    3. I know just what you need. Go to Glenda's website and look for the 3 tank tops that she offers. They are VERY inexpensive and you can download them. They will have all the information you need and more. I ordered them long ago.
      Hugs, Joy


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Hugs, Joy