
Thursday, July 17, 2014

Praising God in My SFD Daisy Blouse

We had a bit of a scare, but honestly, I wasn't scared.  So many scriptures ran over and over in my mind, and somehow, I just knew this wasn't going to be a bad thing.

WHAT am I talking about????

When I went to pick Jerry up yesterday -- after he woke up from his knee surgery -- the nurse called me over to show me a bunch of papers and give me all kinds of directions.  She handed me one sheet that said, "Have patient go see his PCP right away about a 6 mm nodule in his lung that showed up in his chest x-ray."

Most of you know that Jerry, my husband, just went through 6 chemo therapy treatments for cancer, so we didn't just throw the paper in the trash.  I called Jerry's cancer doctor -- who is the NICEST doctor in the whole wide world -- and his nurse told me to drop off the chest x-ray at their office.  I did that this morning.

It is now almost dinner time, and we just got a call from the doctor.  He said it was nothing to worry about.  He said it has shown up on all of Jerry's prior x-rays and scans -- which are numerous -- and whatever "it" is did not soak up any of the dye that would indicate it is cancer.  The doctor said it is probably calcification and has been there for a very long time.

SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO, I am doing a happy dance -- praising God that Jerry is healed and is going to live to be an old man that loves living with an old lady -- who makes her clothes and her jewelry -- and her dog.

And speaking of making my clothes, I finally wore my bright green daisy blouse for the first time today.  I went into the den to kiss Jerry goodbye before I went to get his drugs and deliver the chest x-ray to his doctor, and he did a double take, and said, "WOW!"

I said, "Wow, what?"

He said, "You really look nice in that blouse.  I like that a lot on you!"


And here I am in my bright green daisy shirt, made with my Sure-fit Designs Dress Kit:

This one is to show you the notch in the sleeve.

For some reason, I really like that.

I am cutting out another daisy print right now.  This time, it is black, red and gray.  I figured since Jerry likes it so much, I might as well make another one.

Time to go make supper.  Jerry is on crutches, but is doing fine.  He has pain pills and has to take an aspirin every day for 30 days.  I get to take the bandages off tomorrow and we will see what they have done to him.  He had a torn maniscus (sp?).

Be back real soon, and MIGHT make another video as we found out we have to stay another 10 days because Jerry has to go back to the doctor to get stitches out and be counseled about physical therapy.

Hugs, Joy


  1. Hi again, I really like you blouse the fabric is lovely. You are really tempting me to get the SFD blouse. Is that the in you use? I am a tad worried though that I get it and dont have a clue what to do with it lol. I am sure Jerry will make a good and speedy recovery with you to look after him.

    1. Hi Jennifer,
      I have the Sure-fit Designs DRESS KIT, and that is what I use to make blouses. There is also a SFD Shirt Kit that makes larger blouses with no dart. I like mine more fitted, however.
      Go to and watch videos. There are over 100. Glenda explains and shows in great detail how everything works. That is how I got started.
      Hugs, Joy

    2. Hi and thanks, just seen the red and black but do prefer the green.

  2. * should read* is that the one you use....sorry dyslexic fingers

  3. Love your daisy blouse! No wonder Jerry went 'Wow'!


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Hugs, Joy