
Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Tank Tops for MG, "It Stays" & New Knit Top -- VLOG

Good afternoon friends.  Trust all of you are having a lovely day as we are here with a break in the heat.  A truck will be here shortly to cut down a dead tree and trim some other trees in our front yard, so I can't stay long.

I made a video per request by one of my readers about Sure-fit Designs™ tank tops, and I also show you a fantastic product you may not know about.

The rest of the video is just me blabbing about my new knit top, but I wanted one more time to ENJOY having internet that FLIES through the air with the greatest of speed!  I will only have that for a few more days.

Here it is:

Guess What!?

Tonight is the night we FINALLY found an open spot on the calendar of our friends, Robert and Deanna.  If you don't like a lot of talking and laughing at the table next to you, don't go to Louie's on the lake tonight!

I better get ready to supervise tree-chopping-down to be sure the guys don't chop down the wrong tree!

Hugs, Joy


  1. I always enjoy your videos, it feels like we are in a conversation! Noticing your plastic hanger, I wanted to tell you about some I found at Target that I think are wonderful. You probably know all about them, but I like the system because it keeps my tops with the skirt or pants that go with it, and they never fall off the hanger.

  2. Keep the videos coming Joy . . .so nice to hear from a friend who is so upbeat and cheery all of the time. Look forward to your daily blogs!

    PS I too am a SFDaholic!


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Hugs, Joy