
Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Birthday Gifts Made and Received with Video

This was a really good day for so many reasons.

Things at our store our rockin' and rollin' along just great since I hired the two new girls.  We all really like them because they learn fast and work hard.  A business is only as good as its employees, and we are very blessed to have the VERY BEST!  Some have been with us over 10 years.

So, I'm really happy about that, BUT I'm also happy because I got a surprise package from Phylly today for my birthday.  She always surprises me with the most useful and thoughtful things.  I made a video to show you what she sent me, but I start out showing you a necklace and earrings I made as a gift for someone else.

It is just five minutes because this is where the internet upload speed is so slow that by the time your video is uploaded, you have forgotten what is on it!

Oh, I do remember you can see the huge spot on my cheek.  It was a tiny red spot until I had it lazered a few days ago for the 4TH time!  It looks worse for several days, but in a few weeks, it should be totally gone.  As painful as the lazer treatment was, it BETTER go away!

Yesterday was my sister Janice's birthday.  I have tried to call her twice, emailed her, and sent her a card that she can't open for some reason, so let me say here just in case she happens to check my blog:

 I did already send her some special request jewelry.  Can't remember now if I've showed it to you or not.  Oh yeah, it was the silver, purple and red lariat necklace and two bracelets.

Better go.  Preparing to go back to my other house to complete some unfinished business there and, of course, to see my friends.  Jerry will be joining me in a few days. 

HOORAY for really fast internet there!  

Hugs, Joy


  1. Hooray! You will be here! I love your videos, but having you here is better.

    You remember you left just before your birthday and the pokey thing didn't get here until the day of your birthday. It came on a slow boat from China, literally. The necklaces that I had made for us (I can wear mine now, too.) didn't get here until a couple of days before your birthday. Then I had to mail it to you and I really hate the post office. The thought of going there makes it hard to breathe. Too many people in too small of a place. ;-( That is why I don't send packages. But I got smart and did the postage through the mail and had Brian take it to the post office when he took the mail. Bless his heart, he didn't mind at all.

    I'm glad you like your necklace and your pointy thing. The other thing, that I can't remember the name of is a brand new product from Clover. The one end is to keep your fingers from getting burned by the iron and the other end is a stiletto to keep you from getting your finger under the needle when you have to hold something very close to the needle when you are sewing. It takes some getting used to, but once you do you will love it.

    So, I hope you had a wonderful birthday and I just stretched the fun out for an extra couple of weeks by being late.

    Hugs, Phylly

  2. Happy belated birthday, Joy. I have been enjoying readng your blog expecially your videos. You are full of fun and so vivatious that they are fun to watch. You also have very good information. Hope you don't ever get tired of blogging.
    Carol Ann

  3. Happy belated birthday Joy...


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Hugs, Joy