
Monday, August 11, 2014

Lazer, Bugs and My Latest SFD Dress

I'm here.  Just a bit tired these days.  I'm thinking my hormones may have dropped down another few degrees on the hormonometer.  I can go to sleep at 9 PM and sleep until 7 PM and when I get up, I feel like I would rather go back to bed than conquer the day.  That HARDLY EVER happens to me.  I am usually on full battery power all the time unless I'm sleeping.

Then again it COULD BE the allergy meds I keep popping to stop my nose from dripping and my chest from coughing.  I hear the ragweed is horrendous in these parts, so that may be the problem.  The pills take care of the blowing-coughing-sneezing, but then I am half asleep.

Jerry and I had to go to The Skin Clinic this morning.  He had to see about a recurring spot on his nose.  I had to see the Lazer Lady, Peggy, to have the little spot on my cheek REtreated for the 4th time.  She had the lazer SO HOT today, I felt like I had been put face down on a hot grill when she got done with me.  My eyes had been crying underneath the protective pads, and I didn't even know it.  Whether it goes completely away or not, I don't think I will return for any more of that torture!

After that, I asked if we could go over to the car lot where a truck was that we had been looking at.  We only went when the place was closed, so we had not been able to open the doors to look inside.  I HAVE to check out the cup holders before I buy any vehicle.  So we drove over to the lot where the trucks were all lined up in a looooooooooong row.  I noticed just before we got there that a GIANT ugly grasshopper was on the hood of our car right outside my side of the window.

I KID YOU NOT!  That grasshopper had one leg up in the air waving it around!

Fortunately, I was able to get this picture.

We drove into the gate and wound our way down into the very back of the lot where the trucks were all lined up.  We WERE going to get out of the car and see if the doors were unlocked on the Blue Jean Metallic truck that we liked so we could look inside, BUT

Just as I went to open my door, I noticed a THOUSAND or more grasshoppers all over the cement.

They were everywhere we looked!  HUGE grasshoppers totally covered the entire area where all the trucks were parked.  They must have eaten all their children.  I read that grasshoppers actually will do that.

I guess the grasshopper on my hood was the GREETER grasshopper welcoming me to Grasshopperville.

Jerry and I decided we did not want to be attacked by huge grasshoppers, so we just turned around and headed out of that place.  YUK!

Phylly wanted to see a picture of what I am working on, so I took this very short video.  This dress is NOT DONE -- not even close.  It is just basted together to check the fit.

Since I took this short video yesterday, I have moved the bust dart down one inch -- taken it in under the arms -- and I have lots more to do.  You certainly can get the idea though.  WHY a Maxi?  I don't know.  I figure if I get tired of it as a Maxi, I can always shorten it to knee length, and if I get tired of it that way, I can shorten it to blouse length.  I may be wearing this one until I'm 90!

Gotta go.

Need to call the store to see if they can live without me today.  I came home from the doctor with Jerry so he could get his own vehicle, and neither one of us has budged since we got here an hour ago.  Sure is nice to be the boss at times like this.

Hugs, Joy


  1. I'm liking the blouse behind you on the dressform. How do you choose cotton fabric that is sold for quilting to make a garment? Does quilting cotton hold up for a garment? So much more washing and drying than for a quilt.

  2. The blouse on Lucy is not quilting cotton. I have made a lot of blouses out of quilting cottons in the past, but my FAVORITE now is Stretch Cotton Sateen. It is YUMMY stuff. You can find it anywhere. Fabric Mart, Gorgeous Fabrics, probably Mood Fabrics and even JoAnn's and Hancock's. The fabric in the Maxi dress is a woven with a tad of stretch. It is that stuff that looks like a waffle weave. It ravels terrible!
    Hugs, Joy

  3. I love the dress, Joy Joy! I think this muslin is definitely wearable. You and SFD have done it again. You really put me to shame with your talent in using SFD. It does seem a bit big, so you definitely need the darts front and back. Yes, you shall have to wear it at the Expo. You can tell everyone there how you made it using SFD. Definitely a keeper.

    Hugs, Phylly

  4. Maxi's are back this year, so you're right in fashion. Cute test 'muslin' fabric too - definitely wearable!

  5. Your muslin's so cute! Yuk about the grasshoppers. We had them one summer here in Florida, but fortunately they haven't come back to form an east coast Grasshopper Town.

    Love your blog! You've convinced me to try Sure Fit.


  6. what does the top of the dress look is hard to see in the it a cross over top?

    1. Not a crossover. The print is a diagonal print so it is an optical illusion. I have worked on it for days, and not I am stuck on the lining.
      Hugs, Joy

  7. Joy when I line dresses like this I leave the back and side seams unsewn.
    Sew lining to neck and armhole, trim and undersew then pull thru to right side. Then sew lining and fashion fabric in one long seam.
    Insert zip finish the back seam and hem. Probably telling you how to suck eggs LOL
    BTW - really like your dress definately wearable

    1. Thank you Skye! You are exactly right. After reading and reading and reading, I figured out I am going to have to REMOVE the side seams and the zipper. Hope I don't tear up the center back removing the very closely sewn invisible zipper that I sewed twice.
      Hugs, Joy

    2. I would just hand st the lining to the. Zipped..especially an invisible zipper...I think that would work...lmk


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Hugs, Joy