
Monday, August 4, 2014

Happy Birthday to Me!


64 years ago today, I was born Joy Marie Clingerman in Youngstown, Ohio.  When I was three years old, my parents moved to Phoenix, Arizona so my father could find work.  When I was 17 years old, my father again moved because of work to Oklahoma City, Oklahoma.  When I was 25 years old, I met Jerry, and we have been married now for 39 years.

I received the best present in the whole wide world today -- seriously.

I had been SO WORRIED about something -- which is why you haven't heard from me in awhile -- and I was dreading going to work at our store today because I thought something terrible was going to happen.  I tried to handle it ahead of time by talking to some key people about what MIGHT happen because I wanted them to know it was the complete opposite of what I wanted.  They all felt like I did.

Please, please, please don't let it happen.

Jerry came up to me this morning as I was sitting on the bed putting my jewelry on, and he took my hands.

He could just see how upset I was.  He said, "Let's pray about it, Joy."

He prayed the sweetest prayer, and I swear, God must have sent angels out on an EMERGENCY FLIGHT to prepare the events of today.

Everything went so smoothly, I could NOT have dreamt it.  Hugs, and smiles and "I love you's", and where fear and dread had been -- peace flooded over and filled the space.

What was the best present ever?  Peace of mind.  I am SO thankful!

Jerry took me shopping yesterday.  He insisted that he take me to buy me something for my birthday.  I couldn't think of a single thing I wanted, but as it turned out, I saw a Fossil watch that I really loved, and Jerry bought it for me.  He took me to Logan's for a steak dinner, and then back home where I shared the leftovers with a VERY EXCITED big, fluffy, black dog.  It was a very nice day except for the turmoil going on inside of me -- which now, thank God, is gone.  Being a boss is so hard.  I would never CHOOSE to be one; but when you own the business, you have no choice.

I've got a meeting in the morning at 9 AM, and that means I need to get some chores done tonight.

I'll be back soon.

Hugs, Joy


  1. I was looking and waiting for you and wondering where you were. Glad to hear from you and so glad that you are at peace with what is going on in your life right at this moment. I was hoping to hear some news about your new neighbor and if you had been able to get together and talk sewing.
    I hope you had a wonderful birthday and have many more to come. I have enjoyed you sharing your life so much this past year. Say hello to Jerry and
    and give Jackie a big hug from me. I am sure you had shared all your troubles with her as I always do with my girls. They know when there is something troubling momma and seem to understand. Have a good week and look forward to hearing from you soon.

    1. Hi Anita! Thank you so much.
      YES! Terry did come over just this past Saturday. We talked NON-STOP for an hour or more. It would take a month of blogging to talk about it all, lol. I WISH I had thought to take a picture of the darling quilts she brought to show me, but my mouth just kept on blabbing, and it never even entered my mind that I HAD a blog, lol. She is 10 years younger than I am, and looks younger than her age. I felt like a granny for sure! She was lovely.

  2. What a wonderful birthday! I am glad it all worked out well!

  3. Happy Birthday a day late, but you should still celebrate "you" all this week.

  4. Don't you just hate when you do something with the best intentions and it still looks like it might blow up in your face lol Never fear God honors a pure heart and you have no worries in that department.. Glad it all worked out. Happy belated birthday..������the other Joy


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Hugs, Joy