
Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Terrific Tuesday!

This week has been SO LOVELY.  Those of you who go to a place of business for your job understand that there is an ATMOSPHERE there.  It can be a friendly, inviting atmosphere, or a dark and gloomy one.

I was dreading going back to work because NOBODY wants the boss in their face all the time.  Believe me, I don't like it any more than the employees do, but when the Office Manager is leaving for an extended period of time -- 6 to 9 weeks -- maybe longer -- I have no choice but to return and grab the reins again.

It was really HARD for me to let go of the reins years ago in 2008 when Jerry first got sick.  Any woman who has to choose between her job and her husband, will always choose her husband.  How could she NOT do that?

So now, I am back, and all is well, and I am SO HAPPY, I am actually ENJOYING getting up and going to the office in the morning.

Heaven -- and all of you -- KNOW I have at least a hundred new blouses to wear.  Might as well wear them to work, and I am.

I have found that I haven't made matching jewelry for most of them, but maybe I can do some of that on the weekends.  BUT -- as I asked Candi before I left the store today -- WHEN do the employees do their wash???  I poured all of the hamper contents out onto the closet floor on Saturday, and they are STILL laying there -- or are they "lying" there?  I never did understand that one!

When I was young and 30 pounds lighter, I would work until after dark every day getting all the tasks done. These days, I like to sit right here in this chair with my feet UP and the laptop OPEN while I talk to all my blog friends.

And LOOK who wants to say high to all my friends:

She needs a bath and a haircut, but isn't she just ADORABLE?

I FINALLY found a pink collar that fits her.  One was too small -- one was too big -- and this one is just right.  No sparkles or studs, but at least, it is pink.  Maybe Jerry will quit calling her "he"!

Time to fix dinner.  I'm going to see if Jerry feels like driving 20 miles so I can test drive a truck I want him to buy.  His truck is ancient, but he says it is his FAVORITE kind of truck.  "Paid For"

Have a perfectly WONDERFUL rest of this week!  I plan to.

Hugs, Joy


  1. Hi Joy, I just read where your birthday was yesterday. Happy belated birthday. Sounds like you have the perfect birthday. I've read your blog every day since i found your blog when I was searching for the Coverpro 1000 CPX (a few months ago). I've ordered one altho I couldn't find one locally so I ordered one from the local Janome store. I saw so many videos of it working, and your help really cinched the deal for me. I would love to see other projects you've done using your Coverpro and if you've used it for anything other than hemming. Carol Ann

  2. All I have used it for is hemming knits. I doubt I ever will use it for anything else. There is something I DO NOT LIKE about it. The open arm is too short to get your sleeve up onto. It should be cut deeper past the needle area. You will see what I mean. I don't think there is anything better available though.
    Hugs, Joy

  3. Hi Joy, I'm not sure I understand what you mean by too short? (not the same person as before). I have a old Pfaff hobbylock serger my husband bought used ( when he didn't know what the heck it was for but knew I wanted one). It is old and complicated but I'm hoping to have some time to really learn how it works. But really hoped it did a cover stitch and it doesn't. Wondering if it is really worth it to spend the money to but a machine that does just that. I have 5 grandchildren that I am hoping to sew for as well as myself.
    I LOVE your videos. You are so natural in them and seem to be like me using computer skills and sewing / crafting together. Now I have to go watch some more of them and read your blog. Your advice/opinion is appreciated.

    1. I will take a picture later of what "too short" is. Don't think anyone wants to see me in my jammies drinking coffee, lol. I sewed many, many, many garments for my kids and grandkids without anything but a Kenmore sewing machine.
      Hugs, Joy

    2. I think I know what you are referring to; if you had a deep him you would need to get the item further into the cut out to be able to reach the hem. Is that what you mean? I think what they need is an extension that would make the room longer on the left side to accommodate that. I would appreciate seeing the picture too to see if that's what you mean.
      Carol Ann


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Hugs, Joy