
Saturday, October 18, 2014

HERE IT IS! Our Expo Shopping Spree

I promised I would show you all the things we bought at EXPO in Fort Worth.

We came home early today instead of going back to the EXPO for more classes.  We were both so tired and ready to go home.  I'm a 3-day vacation type of person.

Jerry and I went on a 7-day cruise for our 25th wedding anniversary.  By the 3rd day, I was ready to swim ashore -- look for the nearest airport and fly home!

We made a video JUST FOR YOU today.

Here it is:

Jerry just arrived in our bedroom, so it's lights out.

He was watching a football game upstairs, and he isn't too happy with how it turned out.

Phylly is already in bed.

I'll try to get back tomorrow.

Hugs, Joy


  1. "We made a video JUST FOR YOU today" but it says "This video is private." Boo hoo. Is anyone else getting this message?

  2. Same message that I received.

  3. Can't see a thing other than that message. I would like to see how you helped the economy!

  4. SORRY! It was late ladies. I forgot to make it "public". It will work for you now.
    Hugs, Joy

  5. Y'all were hilarious! I loved the video. I've been to Lorraine's of SEW IT UP shop. So nice, and she is so sweet. Still have some fabric in the stash from my last visit there. I wanted to go to Ft Worth this year, but it just wasn't in the cards for me. Like both of you, I think I've had most of the classes by now and know most of what they are going to teach. Still love going, but.....understand why you came home early. I do miss seeing and visiting with Louise (but my credit card is much better off without bringing home more of her fabric). I still have 3 pieces from seeing her 2 years ago. LOL Glad you and Phylly had such a great time!

  6. I finally figured out how to get the video's to play from your emails. This one was great. Glad you and Phylly had a really good time.

  7. O my, I want that gray fabric!! Thank you both so very much for sharing. Have never been to an expo, but if I ever get the opportunity I want to go with you two gals.


  8. You two are great together! You made my day. It is nice to know that other expo's actually bring in "fashion sewing people." My Northeast one has gone over to almost all quilting and crafting. Louise does not come anymore!! Glad you enjoyed and thanks for sharing the fun.

  9. What a fun video! You obviously had a great time and I am envious! Thanks for sharing your joy!


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Hugs, Joy