
Sunday, October 19, 2014

More EXPO Pics and Sunday Sermon

Phylly had to leave before church this morning, so Jerry and I arrived after the music to hear Hagee, Sr. talking about Israel and the Anti-Christ and all the awfulness going on in our beloved America.  It truly is "as Sodom and Gomorrah" in America.  ABSOLUTELY INSANE what you aren't allowed to say because of so-called "polital correctness".

I call it "political crap", but....

You can't say anything about an Indian or an African American -- MOST of whom couldn't point out Africa on a globe, never mind have been there -- or marriage between a man and a woman, or homosexuality or religion or HEAVEN FORBID, you should mention the "J" word:  Jesus!

I'll tell you something, GOD has something to say about all of that, and He isn't changing it for ANY government!!!!   And Jesus happens to be His firstborn son who gave his life for all these sorry politicians, AND God gets really pissed off when people don't accept that fact!

Hagee's sermon is in there SOMEwhere.


And I have been EXPO-crazy for the last week.  I have more pictures to show you from our trip.  It takes quite awhile to get everything unpacked, put away, uploaded, downloaded, etc.


I have the BEST TIP EVER for you today.

Suction Cup 10X Magnifying MirrorYou know those little suction cup things that plug into the back of your 10X mirror?  My mirror has 3 of them on the back.

I remembered at the hotel to take my mirror off the sucky cups and pack it, but my last-minute check of left-behinds found all 3 sucky cups still attached to the hotel mirror.

I pulled all 3 of them off -- announced to Phylly that I had everything -- and we left the room for the last time. When we got to Phylly's car, I opened up the back door, and I tossed the 3 sucky cups into a bag.

 I didn't pay attention to WHICH bag.  I just knew it was one of mine.

So we drive two hours back to my house.  We hauled all the bags and totes and suitcases into my house. Phylly moved into "her" room here at my house, and I began pulling things out of bags to put them away.  I got down to the bottom of one of the bags, and there were TWO of my 3 sucky cups.  I shook the bag. Nothing!  I looked on the floor -- on the counter -- in Phylly's car -- all over the path I walked into the house.  Nothing!

I was SO UPSET WITH MYSELF!  That mirror is really heavy, and 2 sucky cups were NOT going to hold it up.  Phylly and I went BACK out to her car and searched in, under, around, through and on top of.

NO sucky cup.

Phylly told me you could buy the things at Lowe's, so I decided to just GIVE UP and go to Lowe's and HOPE the sucky cups there fit the back of my mirror.

This morning came.  Phylly, Jerry and I were all in the kitchen building our breakfast.  Phylly was already sitting at the bar.  I was looking for something to give Jackie for a treat.  I remembered I had some ham in the meat/cheese drawer of my refrigerator.  I pulled the drawer out.  In the front of the drawer was the package of cheese sticks I had taken to our hotel


Of course!  My third sucky cup.  I was the only one who could see it at that point.  I let out a loud yelp that probably frightened the neighbors.  Phylly asked WHAT ON EARTH the problem was.  I motioned for her to come over.  She got up off her barstool and walked to the frig where she saw what I was looking at.  We cracked up laughing!

So the Tip of the Day is:  If you lose something and have looked everywhere, open the drawer in your frig and check the package of cheese sticks!

And I told you I would show you a picture of the rest of Phylly's Louise Cutting ensemble that she sewed for the EXPO.  This was so much prettier than the pictures show.  The peach-colored garments are all linen, so very wrinkly.  Her fabrics came from Gorgeous

Here she is lovin' on my Jackie in the other two garments she made.  They all mix and match.  I MUST do that!

Jackie would SO go home with her if I would let her.  Phylly thinks dogs are SUPPOSED to dig holes and get muddy and chew on stuff and chase cats.


When Phylly and I got here yesterday, the cats were out in the driveway.  Phylly asked, "Does Jackie chase the cats?"

"Oh, nooooooooooooooooooo", says me.  "She never does that."

When Phylly was leaving this morning, I let Jackie out of the back yard fence to run over to Phylly and say goodbye.  The two cats were nearby.  Jackie went into a FLYING RUN and chased Bootsy clear across the driveway and straight UP A TREE!!! Jackie was trying to climb the tree after her.  I couldn't believe it!

Here is a short video of Phylly and I going off to school the first day of EXPO.  Our friend, Margaret, had asked me what I was wearing because she sees all the things I sew.  I made this video for her, but you can watch it too if you would like to see our garments in motion.

My flowery blouse was made with Sure-fit Designs.

And here is a still if you are not a video fan. 

I WISH I had taken a close-up of the shirt and the jacket.  The stitching on the collar of the shirt and the top-stitching on the jacket are SUPERB!  

AND WOULD YOU BELIEVE, Linda Lee, her very own self, came up behind me in line when I was buying a burger.  I didn't know she was there.  She asked Phylly what pants I was wearing and if I made them.  She said I did a GREAT job fitting them!  YAY!  I guess I actually did learn something from the last five years of classes.

That's it.


Now, I'm heading BACK to our other house in Edmond.  Jerry has his 6-month Petscan Tuesday, and if all is well, we will be picking up Jackie's half sister who is six weeks old and darling.  We have named her Josie.

May God bless you all with a perfectly MARVELOUS week ahead.

Hugs, Joy


  1. Thanks for sharing such a great experience. I love your pictures and videos. I like being able to see the finished product. You and Phylly make a great team.

  2. I forgot to tell you that I just took Linda Lee's class on sewing knits. It was a great class.


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Hugs, Joy