
Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Jojo and Van Maur

Hey Ladies!

There are a whole bunch of me to say "hi" today.  Wish you all could have been with us yesterday as Margaret and I did a walk-through of the brand new Van Maur store that took over the former Sears space at Quail Springs Mall. 

I quit liking to go to malls YEARS ago.  Always the same old stuff.  Half the lights don't work, the fitting rooms are messy and cramped.  If you can even FIND a clerk at J C Penney, you should get some kind of medal, never mind having a clerk to actually HELP you!  And OUTSIDE the stores in the walkway area, I fear for my life!  Young people that look like they stepped out of a horror movie! (Not ALL of them, of course.)

Now, this store is brand new.  Just had it's grand opening this past weekend.  But STILL!  It is unlike any other store I have ever been in.  

As you know, if you've known me over five minutes, I LOVE color and I love florals.  This store has color all over the place -- blue carpet in one room, pink in another, red in another, turquoise in another -- and beautiful floral pictures all over.  I could move into the bathroom, and be very happy! I told Margaret we are going to pack wine, crackers and cheese in our purses for the next visit and go sit outside the Ladie's room and have a picnic!  

The dressing rooms are beautiful.  Large.  Every one has a shelf and a 3-way mirror.  In the picture above, I am standing outside the dressing rooms where there are 2 3-way mirrors side-by-side.

This is outside a dressing room area. 

And this is the BATHROOM!!!
This is what you walk into off the above room.  LOVE the wallpaper.  I think one of my bathrooms at home actually has wallpaper just like that.  Love the floor too.  There are purse hooks and paper towel dispensers on the side of EVERY cabinet.
And here is a pink room.  Love the white lattice on the wall and the FLOWERS!
A flower painting!  Loved every one of them.  Wish I had photographed more of them.
And GUESS WHAT we both bought???


We HAD to have new winter purses.  Mine purple, and Margaret's blue.  Yummy!

And WHO do you think took that picture of Margaret and me?

Her name is Susan.  Isn't she ADORABLE!?  She helped us so much and treated us like we were her friends.  I asked if I could take her picture for my blog, and she POSED for me!  

How DARLING is that sweater!

And my MOST, VERY FAVORITIST-OF-ALL thing about this store is the mirrors!

Look behind Susan. You can see the post that holds the roof up is a floor to ceiling -- all four sides -- mirror!  They are everywhere.  That will sell more things to this girl than any other feature. Obviously, a woman was involved in this venture.  In fact, Susan told me that her FIRST sale was to an elderly woman.  The woman said, "Will you ship this purse to my home?"  Susan said, "What is your name?"  The lady said, "Mrs. Maur".  YIKES!  No pressure there.

And last -- but not least -- is our new baby.  The baby's name is Josie, and we call her Jojo.  I actually have a great granddaughter with that nickname, but that had nothing to do with Josie's name.  Her name is Josephine.  I never see the gg, as you know, so fitting that I have a new puppy to fill my arms.

Here is Jojo in Margaret's arms.

She said, "WHY can't they stay this little?"

The answer to that is she would be carried off by an eagle or a coyote in our back yard!
And here is Jackie, and that is how it has been since Jojo arrived.  Jackie is constantly by her side. Night #1, we had Jojo in the large topless cage we used for Jackie.  Jackie loved it.  Jojo HATES it.  She howled all night.  

Night #2 -- last night -- we put her in the laundry with Jackie and the toys, and they slept peacefully all night long.  So did we!

Better get this rear in gear!

Have a WONDERFUL day.  We find out results of Jerry's PET scan this afternoon.  Praise God for a good report!

Hugs, Joy


  1. How nice that Jackie and JoJo like each other. Whenever we would ad a new fur friend to our existing dog, there would always be lots of hisses and growles and chasing for at least a week before they settled down to helping each other out. Jo Jo is such a cute bundle of black curls.
    I will keep Jerry in my prayers that he has great results from his pet scan.
    Love your purse.
    Carol Ann

  2. The new Von Maur store is all that Joy says and more -- and everything she tried on fit her perfectly! It was fun watching her exploring and taking pictures of this beautiful new addition to Quail Springs Mall. And JoJo loved licking my sunglasses! Both dogs are adorable! It was a fun-filled day!


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Hugs, Joy