
Thursday, November 13, 2014

Color Block Styling with Sure-Fit Designs™ Dress Kit and Knit Fabrics

As promised an entire week ago, here is my Color-Block intensive study, lol.

I don't know if you should grab a cuppa something to keep you awake or swallow a Valium to keep you calm before watching these!

There are five videos.

In a couple of them, I was so tired, I couldn't remember what I had already told you and what I hadn't.

For those of you who think I am such a "neat freak", you will be delighted to see my sewing room a COMPLETE mess!  As soon as I type the last letter of this post, I shall commence cleaning it up.

Glenda Sparling, the owner of Sure-Fit Designs ( may do some color block styling videos in the future, and I promise you, they will be soooooooooooooooo much better.

But, for now, here are mine:

And so you can see my two outfits, I took some stills for you.  I hope you like them.  If you hate them, please don't tell me.  I PROMISE YOU, I will cry.

Now, I shall dive into the mess, and begin putting everything back where it goes.

We are supposed to have snow and ice this weekend, so my granddaughter won't be able to come after all.  I am disappointed, of course, but I agree she should not be driving on treacherous roads.

Hugs, Joy


  1. Nice looking dresses.
    Unfortunately I can't view the vidoes- they are coming up as private.

  2. The come up as private for me too.

  3. SORRY! I forget others can't see the videos even though I can. I have made them all public now.
    Hugs, Joy

  4. Joy: You are so delightful! Don't ever change who you are. I wish more people could just be themselves and not feel they need to always be perfect and be on camera. Funny, I say that, because you ARE on camera! lol

    1. Thank you! I always do just ONE take. I have yet to accomplish anywhere near "perfect". I have watched other people's videos that put me to sleep. I could never do it with my husband in the room. I can see the look on his face, and I always assume it means "you are TERRIBLE at this"! The camera on the tripod doesn't intimidate me or hurt my feelings, lol.
      In one of the videos I called my paper "doctor paper table". Thankfully, women are amazing interpreters after having children. (-:
      Hugs, Joy

  5. Nice videos! Both outfits are pretty and look very nice on you. Personally, I would not put darts in either the back or the front when you are using knits, but that doesn't mean you shouldn' know way more than I do!!! Anyway, I sure like the way you designed the color blocking AND the colors you used.

    1. Thank you Judi! I am starting project #3. I think this is fun! Up to now, I didn't care much for color-blocking. I'm not sure the second outfit even fits the description. It may just have a contrast yoke. I did put the bust darts in the black, because they "hide" well. So much easier than moving them if you can get away with it.
      Hugs, Joy

  6. Thank you so much. I am going to definately try this.

    1. You are welcome! Please share pics with me if you make a color block style.
      Hugs, Joy

  7. Joy, I loved the top's videos. I love the idea of color blocking, but the closest I've come to that is to add a flower to the front below the shoulder. Your videos have given me the confidence to try. You have so many amazing ideas and are so willing to share them.
    Now I just need to get busy and make a pattern.
    Carol Ann

    1. I am blessed to have a lot of time to "play" in my sewing room. I figure if the whole thing is a total flop, then it was a learning experience and cheaper than the cost of a class somewhere. (-; Go for it!
      Hugs, Joy

  8. I haven't had a chance to watch all the videos yet but had to tell you that I *love* that diagonal color blocked (green print and cream) top! I hope you believe that imitation is the sincerest form of flattery, because I want to make one like it (grin). I have some ideas on how I might incorporate bust shaping; if they work out, I will share them with you...

    1. YES! I would be honored for anyone to copy me. I sure have copied a bunch of people myself. Thanks for the compliments!
      Hugs, Joy

  9. I love your outfits! They are exactly the type of clothing I like to wear. I could not choose a favorite one. Thank you for sharing your videos and photo. Not only are the clothes lovely but, You look Beautiful in them.


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Hugs, Joy