
Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Terry-Time and Leaving Town Again

Terry and I had sew much fun yesterday!  She came down to put a binding on a quilt she is finishing for a family member.  She is ALWAYS making a quilt for someone.  Lucky family of hers!

I found out that Terry was a professional photographer for 20 years.  She did weddings and sports events and everything!  No wonder she isn't shy in front of my tiny little pink camera.

We sewed until dinner time.

Terry invited Jerry and me over for Chili.  I took some corn muffins.  Her husband, Doug, thanked me for making the good corn muffins.  I told him that Mr. Jiffy made them.  He turned to Jerry and thanked him.

I cracked up.

Jerry wouldn't have the first clue what to do to make ANY KIND of muffin.  He can barely boil water.  He can open beans and tuna fish, and then he eats them COLD out of the can!  YUK!  His brother, Don, eats cold weiners!  YUK again!

Evidently, Terry never uses Jiffy cornbread mix since Doug thought "Mr. Jiffy" was Jerry.

Terry and Doug have two homes like we do, so one of us is always leaving.  She left today, and I leave tomorrow.

Been cleaning all day today.  I always do that when I'm going to leave town.  Also had to pack some Christmas gifts and some sewing projects.

I'll be going to the FAST INTERNET house!  Maybe I'll get in the mood to make a video.  So much more fun when Phylly or Terry are in them though.

Maybe I'll show you Jackie and Josie after I pick them up from the Beauty Shop on Thursday.

Until then,

Hugs, Joy


  1. Love that top with Autumn leaves!

  2. Aloha,
    I enjoy your videos. You are informative, funny and have a talent for sewing the most cute clothes. Oh, and say hello to josie the dog...



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Hugs, Joy