
Monday, December 22, 2014

Just a Quick Hello

One day is just blurring into the other right now.  I am totally off my usual schedule, and we aren't even in the right town!  I hate when that happens because it throws my inner clock all out of whack.

We left last Thursday to come to OKC for our office Christmas party on Friday.

Yes, I have pictures, but I haven't even downloaded them yet.  We had a great time at Cheesecake Factory where I ate way too much.

My waistline is screaming S T O P !

I keep saying, "Tomorrow, I'm not going to eat ANYTHING!"

Then tomorrow comes, and I eat more than I did the day before.

Those of you who love to sew like Phylly and I do must go to Rhonda's blog.  She just made the CUTEST owl pin cushions or pattern weights.  Let me see if I can find a link for you.  It is NOT my greatest talent, that's for sure!

Give it a try.  Hopefully, it will take you to the darling owl weights.

I had lunch with Phylly today and we had the most delightful time.  Phylly has a talent for giving me the most thoughtful gifts.  Of course, she knows me better than my own Mother does.  WAY better, in fact, but we won't go there.  She gave me a book with a ton of jewelry patterns in it for using crystals.

She gave me a sort-of purse with all kinds of dividers and slots that you put in and out of purses.  That way you don't have to dump your purse contents and start over.

And, of course, you only have to know me for five minutes to realize that I am ALWAYS looking for a Kleenex.  She made me two pretty tissue holders that go in my purse.  She said they are really easy to make.  I was excited to get them!  It looks so much nicer than pulling out a thick wad of Kleenex from your purse while trying to get just one tissue.

She also gave me a gift card that I insisted she come with me to use right after lunch.  I had found some OXO  kitchen items on sale at Penney's just before I met her for lunch, and I did't have time to buy them.  I had found an empty shelf on a cart at Penney's, and I unloaded my arms onto the shelf and left.  I planned on returning later to reclaim them.  When Phylly and I returned after lunch, all but one item were still there.

I would have had lunch with Margaret too, but she and I met on Saturday for lunch because I was NOT supposed to be here today.  Margaret and I had a lovely lunch at Applebee's where we talked and talked and talked.  I gave her a very NON-surprising gift of jewelry-by-Joy.  She gave me a lovely new book to read.  I just finished "Still Alice", so the timing was perfect.

Sunday was Christmas brunch at my daughter's house.  It was just her and her husband, Len, and her daughter, Lindy.  It was very, very nice to have my daughter and granddaughter all to myself.  There are usually so many people at Christmas gatherings that you don't really get to "be with" anyone -- if that makes sense.

I got so many hugs from Lindy, all seemed right in the world.  I was crying over something that seems stupid now when I got there, and Lindy came out to the car to greet me.  She saw I had been crying, and she just hugged me so sweetly.

I had been crying because I wanted to put big red bows on Josie and Jackie for their FIRST ride in their new Explorer.  After all, we were going to my daughter's where they were BOTH born.  Their Daddy lives there, and Josie's Mom lives there.

Jerry decided just before it was time to go that we were NOT taking the dogs.  I couldn't imagine Christmas without them, and it really upset me.  He finally agreed they could go, but it was too late for the bows.

WOW!  That is a long "hello" isn't it?

I will let you go.  I'll post OKC pics soon.

Merry ALMOST Christmas to you all and Happy Birthday Jesus!

Hugs, Joy


  1. Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to you and your family. Jackie and Josi to.

  2. HI Joy! Thanks for the shout out on the owl pattern weights. I hope you do get a chance to make a set for yourself as I think you will really enjoy them.Have a VERY Merry Christmas! We all have so much to be thankful for :)

  3. Hi Joy, Thanks for the quick note, it has been awhile since we hear from you, and sometimes question if everything is OK. The owl weights are really cute, thanks for the link. Hope you and your family have a wonderful Christmas and a most blessed of New Years. Am looking forward to what the new year has in store for all of us. Jane

  4. Love those owl weights! Going to have to make a set. I have been using large washers as weights but all I did was crochet two of them together using dishcloth cotton. Functional, but u-g-ly. LOL Merry Christmas!

  5. Incredible post! Thanks for sharing such great stuff. Well, we also had a blast in office party last month and there was so much fun in the party. We played loads of fun games. It was an indoor party but still it was very enjoyable!

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Hugs, Joy