
Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Christmas Party Fun

Yes, I have been gone for a few days again, but I have been VERY busy.  This time of the year is the ONLY time of year when Jerry and I go to parties of any kind.  We have two locations, and today was the Christmas party for our Kingston store.

I told you I have been making jewelry non-stop for days and days and days.  I love doing it, but it has been a lot all at once.  I haven't sewn a stitch in weeks, and that is VERY unusual around here.

I informed my husband a few days ago that I was making jewelry gifts for all the female employees.  I told him that HE needed to do something for the guys because he always says I can't do "just the girls".  He decided that the guys would be thrilled to be fed and receive their bonuses, and they didn't need anything else because he wasn't making anything.

Actually, it is a good thing he doesn't "make things" for the employees.  As picky and perfectionistic as Jerry is, the gifts would never be made!

So here we are.  Just the girls.  We had a lot of fun.  At least, I did!

This is Candi, the boss.  She is the one I keep telling you about that is in severe pain all the time.  She is on a wait list to have surgery on her back.  Sometimes, she hurts so bad that she has to lie down on the floor in her office.  Other times, she just has to go home.  We all feel so sorry for her, and we pray that she gets help soon.  She was probably in pain the whole time we were having our little party, but she never complained.  She never does.

 And this is Larece.

She is the girl I ALMOST didn't interview because she has a very unusual first name.  It is "Carlma".  When I saw her name on her Resume', I thought maybe she was from a foreign country and wouldn't speak English very well, OR maybe she used to be "Carl".

I KNOW!  I can hear you gasping!

I told her all of that myself.  She already knows how crazy I am.  Actually, she goes by her middle name:  Larece.
And you may remember me being all excited about our two new girls.

This is Melody!  She IS a melody and has made our store such a happy, ORGANIZED place to be.  She told me once that she "wants to learn everything there is to know about our business".

Oh, Melody, BE CAREFUL what you wish for!!!!!!!!!!!!!
And those are all the close-ups I managed to take.  These girls DO have work to do, and they were being very nice to me allowing me to take their pictures.

Below is a picture of all of us after everyone got through picking the pair of earrings or the bracelet that they wanted.  I'm not sure if everyone had them on or not.  Standing next to me (notice the candy canes on my blouse and in my ears) is Lou Ann.  If you look down at her hand, you can see the bracelet that she picked.

Next to Lou Ann is Pat in the gorgeous animal print top.  Pat turned in her resignation years ago.  She still comes to work though, and we are THRILLED that she does.  Behind Pat is Kathy.  She is a new addition who works part time for FMS.  She keeps our offices clean and does mountains of filing for us.  Next to Kathy is Keli in the black top.  Keli is Super-Secretary and does mountains of billing.  Next to Keli (in the back) is Melody.  You saw her above.  Then there is Larece.  You saw her above too.  And then Candi, the boss.  Candi is "Joy" when I'm not there, and she does many things I don't even know how to do.

Because of these WONDERFUL ladies and the two guys who don't wear Christmas earrings, I am able to stay home and sew and make jewelry most of the time.  I am so blessed and extremely grateful for every employee we have.

I pray they have all they ever dreamed of this Christmas and that 2015 brings them health, prosperity and happiness overflowing!

Hugs, Joy


  1. Wonderful pictures of all of the Gang!! Merry Christmas! - Sheila in OKC

  2. How nice to put faces to all the new voices and some of the old ones. Hi Ya'll! Merry Christmas! Hugs, Phylly aka Phyllis

  3. Thanks for sharing. Merry Christmas or Mele Kalikimaka to all. Here on the lower 48 we can hear the volcanoes roar not really... its about 100 miles away. One question if I may. Where do you get quality knit fabrics?


    Josie (the human)

    1. Hello Josie, the human!
      I have been "singing" Mele Kalikimaka over and over in my head because it is on the radio every day on the Christmas music channel
      Quality knit fabrics can be purchased even at JoAnn Fabrics or Hancock's. You will have to PAY MORE for the quality knits, however. Ponteroma is a very good knit. To test a knit: Take about 10" in your hand somewhere in the middle of a good chunk of it -- fold it -- put the folded area in both your hands and pul it -- stretch it. IF it snaps back into its original position when you let go, it is a good knit. Also, pull a yard of it off the bolt and wrap it around your body. See how it hangs. Is it stiff? Is it soft? Is it thick? Is it thin?
      Those are all the things I do.
      On line: Problem with on line purchases is you can never be sure about the color.
      Hugs, Joy

  4. Aloha Joy

    Oh yes, the song is popular here too. Thanks for sharing how to test knits. I learned something new. Truth to be told after watching one of your videos on youtube tut( a polka dot blouse). I purchase similar knit(so I thought) Made a dress. I am happy with the dress, the knit, not so much
    We have one fabric store and Wallmart. I may use online sources again.
    Thanks again
    Josie (the human)

  5. It's great post! Thanks for sharing!


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Hugs, Joy