
Monday, December 8, 2014

Your Opinion Please

It is soooooooooooooooo close.

Are you ready?

I'm SORT of ready.

Things are on UPS trucks on their way to here from there.

And speaking of UPS trucks.

Have you seen this:

But that is NOT what I need your opinion on.

I make jewelry as you know.  I've been doing it for two years now.  I, myself, LIKE to wear Christmas earrings during December.  I would wear a Christmas bracelet if I had one.  Therefore, I have learned to make Christmas earrings.

I have read that it is REALLY TACKY to wear Christmas sweaters.  How sad I was to hear that because I own SEVERAL of them.  Most are knit tops with Christmas doo dads on them.  A couple are sweaters that you wear over your top.  I haven't worn them this year because it really hasn't been cold enough.  I might wear one to the Christmas lunches though -- tacky or not.

WHO DECIDES THIS STUFF anyway???  Who woke up one day and said, "I am DECLARING that Christmas sweaters are tacky, and the whole world is going to have to comply with my point of view!"

So, not caring what the rest of the world thinks,
What do YOU think?

Here are 4 of the kinds of earrings I have made so far.  Would you be offended if you received a pair of these earrings as a gift from a friend?  Would you consider it tacky?  Would you toss them in the Goodwill bag the second your friend was gone?

Tell me the truth.  If I didn't want to know, I wouldn't ask.

My husband loves the wreaths.  He hasn't seen the others.  He said, "Those look expensive."

WOW!!!!  That is a GREAT compliment coming from him.

I've gotta get.  It is almost time for my supper.  Jerry had to dash up to OKC to pick up some siding, so I am eating alone tonight.

TOMORROW is my play day with Terry!  I will take pics, of course.  We are going about an hour and a half away to McKinney, TX to check out the Quilt Assylum and whatever other store we decide we must stop to see.

Don't forget to tell me what you think about Christmas jewelry.

And let us NEVER forget,


Hugs, Joy


  1. I do not mind Christmas sweaters, do NOT like Christmas earrings.. ;-)

  2. I love both Christmas earrings and sweaters. That is what makes the holidays fun. :-D Sheila in OKC

  3. I'd wear the earrings. I think they are fun. (I also wear little earrings shaped like dog bones; have a pair with horses and some other whimsical things). In fact, I have a couple of pair that I need to dig out. I have one sweater/cardigan with applique ornaments on it and a knit vest with little Santa faces. I wear both of them this time of year if weather permits.

  4. Depends on the friends. Christmas sweaters/tops used to be big stuff years ago. Theme sweaters seem to be very popular with teachers and retail clerks. Not that my opinion counts for anything--I think the earrings are lovely but I wouldn't wear them. Again, it varies from friend to friend.

  5. LOL Joy. Well I don't know about other places but around here (Arkansas) there seems to be ugly Christmas sweater contests everywhere. At school, at colleges, at places of work etc. And some people really can come up with ugly sweaters. I bought two sweaters at a garage sale this past summer and my niece who goes to LSU thought they were great. They are about four sizes too big but she says it makes them better for their contest. Some people can put lights on their sweaters with batteries. They sew those little gold Christmas bells on them and they are just hilarious.
    But back to the earrings. I would wear them to a Christmas party or a family Christmas dinner. And I know they would go really well with some sweaters. They are cute and fun. Just make sure your not holding a curious baby while wearing them.
    Love your blog,

  6. Joy, I agree with Jerry on the wreath earrings; not so crazy about the candy canes, but like the others. I do wear Christmas sweaters, vests, and earrings. I didn't realize they were objects of ridicule. Guess I don't get out enough! Margaret

  7. Joy, coming from 'the Land Downunder', sweaters are NOT an issue. It's way too hot think temperatures of around 38'C/100+F during the Christmas period. I do love to wear Christmas earrings and my favourite pair (snowmen, go figure) were a gift from a wonderful friend.

    Your earrings are gorgeous, especially the Christmas tree - friends should be happy to receive such a creative, definitely not tacky gift.

  8. Not bothered about the sweaters because we go away to the sun for Christmas but l looooove all the earrings, would not be offended if I was sent some, they are all gorgeous.

  9. I, personally, don't wear Christmas sweaters. However, I see nothing wrong with them. I think the elegant Christmas sweaters are prettier than the more kitchy ones, which remind me of something a school teacher would wear. Each have their place, I think. As for earrings, all 4 of your designs are very nice. I, personally, would only wear the trees because I prefer not to wear wide earrings (have too many *ahem* wide bits on my body already). The only bad part about receiving Christmas themed gifts at Christmas is you have to wait a whole year before you can use it . All that said, if someone we're to give my a handmade gift, I would feel very honored that they thought enough of me to not only spend their money but also, their time, creativity and energy.

  10. I like wearing Christmas or holiday themed tops sometimes during the season, especially to a party or other event. I LOVE the earrings! They are a way to "decorate" yourself and look seasonal. I'd be honored to receive any handmade gift; I realize the effort it takes.

  11. I like the small Christmas tree the best. It says holiday, but isn't overpowering.

    1. Actually, all the earrings are small. They look big on that paper towel roll.
      Hugs, Joy

  12. I LOVE Christmas earrings and sweaters. I wear christmas attire everyday from December 1st til Christmas day. I love the Christmas tree earrings and would cherish them if I got them as a gift. Paula

    1. Thanks Paula!
      I've decided it has to do with PERSONALITY. I'm going to wear them with my Christmas whatever, and I'll take a picture when I do.

      Hugs, Joy

  13. One of my choir members often wears themed sweaters and I think they are fun even if I wouldn't wear one myself. I like your earrings! I have the beads to make the trees but need to find a few minutes to assemble them. Might steal your idea for the coned bead, I have several of those and it's a surprisingly hard shape to use effectively. The candy cane is adorable and would be a perfect match for a chain maille bracelet I made last year -

    1. Denise: LOVE your chainmaille bracelet. Are those O-beads in it? I would love to make that bracelet. You are welcome to copy anything I make.
      Hugs, Joy

    2. It was a kit from Blue Buddha Boutique - (scroll about halfway down the page). It uses glass rings, which can also be bought separately and in a range of colors - One word of caution, though - don't drop the bracelet on a hard surface! Mine caught on my jacket and fell onto a cement floor and one of the rings broke. Fortunately I had a spare ring bead but it was a booger to repair. I will be more careful in the future. ;)

  14. Decorated Christmas sweaters were all the rage at one point, but have fallen out of style. They have become known as the ugly Christmas sweaters. Twenty and thirty year olds have "Ugly Christmas Sweater Parties. They scour second-hand shops for these sweaters to wear to the parties. I don't know where this trend started, but just like anything else, clothes do have a life cycle sometimes. The problem with Christmas sweaters is we don't wear them enough to wear them out or get tired of them. However, I say wear them if you want.

    I do like your Christmas tree and wreath earrings. It's obvious you enjoy making these lovely things. Wear them with pride.

  15. Joy, I really enjoyed your fashion show on you tube. You did a real fine job of modeling. The video gave us a real insight on how big they are. I think they are all very nice.

  16. Aloha from Josie (the human).
    I like all the earrings. The round one is my favorite. Now, Christmas swaters are cheerful, and alright by me. I personally will not wear them on a 75 degree weather here. Like you I do what pleases me. On that note as a brazilian I have been wearing a brazilian bikini for over 50 years. Because I can, I have a body that God gave me. A head, arms, legs..., what others think is none of my concern.
    I really enjoy reading your blog. Your funny, say what you mean(something rare this days). Oh! Yeah! Your tuts are a great help
    From the lower 48

    Mahalo and Merry Kalikimaka

  17. Hi Joy, Merry Christmas. I think the earrings are all great, and they do look expensive, you are very skilled. I just want to let you know I love watching your videos on pattern altering. You explain and show details very well. I always wondered how you determined how much of a round back and now I know, thank you .
    From Meril in Australia


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Hugs, Joy