
Tuesday, December 9, 2014

I Have Decided


Wasn't that fun?!

It was a blast to hear all of you "talk" to me.

I have decided that it has everything to do with personality.  I am the personality that likes to wear Christmas tops and Christmas earrings, so I guess I will just do it myself.  I will NOT give them as gifts, however.  I made Christmas earrings for several of my female employees last year, and they probably all HATED them!  I sure haven't seen any of them in their ears.

Different strokes for different folks!  I sure would like to have the beads back though.  The Swarovski crystals are expensive.  I could always make something else out of them.

Of course, you could NEVER say to a friend, never mind a boss, "Hey, I don't like this gift -- take it back!"  Wouldn't it be nice if you really KNEW what a person would love so you could give them that?

Actually, Jerry's daughter has just texted me what our grandkids in California would like for Christmas, so I must go to the various websites and get them ordered.  A skateboard -- imitation gold necklaces -- bath bombs.  Sounds easy enough.

I must report on my and Terry's trip to McKinney, TX today.

FIRST, we managed to drive through thick fog to the IHOP in Denison, TX for breakfast where we ordered the EXACT same thing.

We are so well-matched.

Only God could have put the two of us together.

That cup of coffee is actually in my hand.  Looks strange, doesn't it?

While we were eating breakfast, the sun came out and the fog lifted.  It turned out to be a GORGEOUS day.

We left IHOP and went to Walmart #1 to pick up some things.
Then we went to Walmart #2 five miles south of Walmart #1 to pick up something Terry had ordered on line.

Then we headed to McKinney to the Quilt Asylum quilt shop where the SECOND I walked inside the door, several employees met us.  One of them must have taken a bath in perfume because it hit me INSTANTLY and HARD.

In a few moments I was in the bathroom getting paper towels to blow my nose on.  A few minutes more and my eyes were puffy, and one of them had tears pouring out of it.  I was MISERABLE!  I went out to Terry's car and got a Benadryl out of my purse, but it really didn't help.  Once an allergy reaction STARTS, you can't reverse it.  It was a shame.  I bought only one fabric there.  Terry bought a little kit to make a baby quilt to give our Church.  It was the least amount I have ever spent in a fabric store.

Due to the intense allergic reaction, I didn't even attempt to take pictures.  I just wanted to go outside where I could BREATHE.

We left there and went to find some lunch.  We came upon Fuddrucker's.  I had never eaten at one, but Terry said it was real good.  We parked and went inside.

I had the MOST AMAZING hamburger.  You receive your yummy homemade bun with just the meat, cheese and avacado on it.  Terry's had grilled onions on it.  Then you go to a bar where there are mountains of sliced tomatoes, different kinds of lettuce, onions, etc.  This is what mine looked like just before I devoured it.  That is pepper I ground on the avocados -- not ants!

Then we drove a short distance to the JoAnn's.  Terry had a list, and I didn't NEED a list.  I found some gorgeous knit fabrics that were on sale.  I also found some of my FAVORITE fuzzy socks.  You have probably seen them on my feet in some of my photos.  Well, maybe not.  I usually crop them out.
Yep, I got some ribbon and a pattern too.

Here is the very nice cotton I bought at the Quilt Asylum while squinting through puffy, drippy eyes and holding a paper towel from their bathroom under my nose:

It is much prettier in person.  It is very dark black with very bright white scribbles.

Here are the two knits I bought at JoAnn's:

The pictures from my phone do not do them justice at all.  The black flowers have little silver sparkly dots all over them.  The other one is navy, blue and beige.  Both are very nice knits.

I WOULD have had a brand new phone that takes much better pictures, BUT the clerk at the Walmart cell phone counter was NOT IN THE MOOD to sell phones today.  She was doing NOTHING.  I was the ONLY customer.

I said, "Do you have the new I-Phone?"


"Could I see it, please?"

"No, you can't."

"Why not?"

"Because I don't have one on display."

"Do you have any that aren't on display?"


"Could I see one of them?"


"Why not?"

"Because they are new!"

"Why can't you open one and show it to me?"

"I can't open a new box."

"I have AT&T.  Will AT&T work on these other phones?"


"I really was wanting a new bigger I-phone."

"Well, why don't you go to AT&T."

"I might do that.  If I buy the I-phone here, CAN YOU OPEN IT!?"


"Can you help me load my information from the phone I already have into it?"

"No.  You will have to figure all that out yourself."

Can you BELIEVE that???????????????????????????  What a LAZY clerk!  She could have sold me a new phone.  I bought my last I-phone at a Walmart in Oklahoma City, and they helped me with everything.  Can these young people GET any lazier!!!

Sooooooooooo, You will have to look at sorry pics from my current I-phone until I can get to an AT&T store where someone is allowed to open a box.

Terry and I left JoAnn's and headed back home.  We had a PERFECT day!  Wish you could have been there.

Be back soon.

Hugs, Joy


  1. Oh my goodness! Yesterday was the Tuesday you were going on a road trip with Terry. How did it come so fast? No wonder I barely heard from you.

    You know, as much trouble as you have with your allergies you ought to call ahead the day before and ask that the staff not wear perfume or heavily fragranced products the next day. I would think that a store that v wants your business would be willing to do that. There are a lot of people that have allergies. I wish more stores had a "no fragrance" policy like we do. I wonder if that store owner knew she probably lost some really good sales because someone was wearing strong fragrance. Frgrance should be subtle. It should not scream at you when you walk in the door.

    As for the Walmart employee, what can you say? The store needs to do a better job of training their employees. She should have whipped out a phone and if you didn't buy it then it could have become the store display model. Sounds like she was the store non-sales clerk.

    I have made it a rule not to buy Christmas sweaters because I can only wear them for one month out of the year. I did break my own rule about 10 years ago and bought a beautiful pullover for Christmas. However I only wore it once a year to the Christmas party at work. I do love the earrings and would wear them between Thanksgiving and New Years. My favorite is the Christmas tree. It is unusual and very pretty.

    Glad you had a good time with Terri even if the quilt store was a bust.
    Hugs, Phylly

  2. Be careful and do not order any of your Christmas presents from Toys R us. I ordered a ninentendo that was in stock. I received 2 emails saying they were still following up on my order and if it didn't ship in 30 days "they" would cancel the order. I called and spoke to one of their reps and she told me I couldn't cancel the order. I found it on Amazon and ordered it as it was a Christmas present. The truth of the matter was they did not have it in stock and then to tell me 30 days or "they" would cancel. Oh well, a good lesson learned. Do not order from Toys R. us.

  3. I forgot to tell you, we have the same allergy to perfume. I feel for you.

  4. I have Corneal Errosion in both eyes and perfumes and any scents really send me up the wall. No amount of eye drops of allergy drops will make them feel better once the scent gets in my eyes. There is so much stuff I can't be around and I've changed my life so I won't be around certain things. I guess it's a pain to be around me when I have these allergy attacks. With so many people allergic to perfume, some hospitals and doctor's office do not allow their employees to wear perfume, so some progress is being made.

    I love Christmas sweaters and start wearing mine around the first of Dec. I also love Christmas jewelry.

    I have problems with sales people who are employed to help customers not being helpful and rude. I've started reporting thelm, but a lot of managers don't care either. I have Corneal Errosion in both eyes and perfumes and any scents really send me up the wall. No amount of eye drops of allergy drops will make them feel better once the scent gets in my eyes. There is so much stuff I can't be around and I've changed my life so I won't be around certain things. I guess it's a pain to be around me when I have these allergy attacks. With so many people allergic to perfume, some hospitals and doctor's office do not allow their employees to wear perfume, so some progress is being made.

    I love Christmas sweaters and start wearing mine around the first of Dec. I also love Christmas jewelry.

    I have problems with sales people who are employed to help customers not being helpful and rude. It seems to be an epidemic. A bad sign of the times I guess.

  5. I really liked my Christmas tree earrings. In fact, I wore mine just on Monday. Larece

    1. Thank you, Larece!
      I didn't realize you read my blog. I am so excited you LIKE the earrings! I will be thrilled to make you some more. I will bring some for you to choose from.
      I tried on Tammy's candy canes yesterday. When Jerry came home, I still had them on. He commented that they were really cute. I guess some people DO like Christmas earrings! My granddaughter will wear only studs, and I haven't figured out how to make "Christmas" out of a stud.
      Hugs, Joy


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Hugs, Joy