
Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Laughter Needed!

I almost didn't post today because I have been so blue all day long.  Reminds me of the days long ago when I used to sit on the living room floor all alone in the dark listening to Charlie Rich sing sad country tunes.

I'm hoping for a much better day tomorrow.

I did have a few fun moments this afternoon, thank goodness.  It was just yesterday I listened to Joel Osteen talk about how healing LAUGHTER is for your body and your soul, and isn't it the truth!

Usually, I am laughing all the time.  This day just caught me off guard or something.  I start to think about my past friendship, and down I go!

I am a fixer, by nature, and this isn't something I can fix.  That is the worst part about it.  I can't say more because of those who may read this, but I am praying for a miracle.  God knows, and the Bible says that God is able to do exceedingly, abundantly above all we can ask or think.  I shall rest in that tonight.

During my happy moments today, I made a little video to show you what I found that put a smile on my face.

Please don't laugh because I really am going to wear it that way!  Actually, if people laugh at it, maybe it will make me laugh too.

Joel said to watch funny movies.  I can't think of a single movie that I ever saw that was funny.

I know a funny joke though that I heard Joel say:

There was a Russian, an American, and a Blonde.

The Russian said, "We were the first ones to put a rocket in outer space."

The American said, "We were the first ones to put a man on the moon."

The Blonde said, "We are going to be the first ones to put a person on the sun!"

The Russian and the American said, "You can't do that!  You will burn up!!!"

The Blonde said, "We KNOW that!  That's why we are going at night."

I cracked up when I heard it yesterday.

Guess I'll watch my new Craftsy class.  Maybe the teacher will be funny, however, I majorly doubt it.  Most of them put me to sleep.

Be back soon -- happier and skinnier!



  1. Just love the buttons:) and those are the cutest little dresses - if its any consolation - you are like a breath of fresh air - you certainly brighten my day - I am always looking forward to your posts. I haven't been doing any sewing lately but after reading your posts I am encouraged to start again - thank you Joy:) Gi from Canada

  2. Yesterday and today I have felt the same way --- sad and very lonely. So I couldn't have cheered you up! BUT I have an idea for the blouse you just showed us -- make a slit on each side and line it with yellow and make a hem of yellow that just barely shows at the bottom of the blouse. Then with your yellow pants, won't you look cute? See you tomorrow with a smile because I will be happy to see you! Margaret

  3. I think the buttons are adorable and will look great on your tunic. I love reading your posts -- you are such an inspiration to me; in fact, yesterday I ordered the Sure Fit Pants Kit. I've lost some weight.and now my pants are so baggy. I'm hoping I have the kind of success that you have had. I will let you know. I haven't tried any of the Craftsy sewing classes yet but I know someone that has bought about 30 of them. Can you imagine? Thank you so much for your blog. Marianne from Virginia

  4. I love your tunic! It's happy and fun. I am dragging myself through the drafting bodice sloper class on Craftsy. The teacher is fine, but I can think of so many more fun things to do. I keep telling myself that this sloper will make my life easier, but that isn't motivating me all that much. How can I get in touch with Terry about helping to make some mission dresses? I have oodles of fabric. I have been make soft toys for the police dept to give to children with my smaller scraps, but the larger pieces would make nice skirts for the dresses. However, I am in Pennsylvania, so I don't know how well that would work logistically. I don't know any jokes personally, but I did read one recently in a superior thread email. I laughed because it could totally be me in that joke. I will copy and paste it below. Wishing you peace in your heart. Misty
    Several days ago, as I left a meeting, I desperately gave myself a personal search. I was looking for my keys. They were not in my pockets. A quick search in the meeting room revealed nothing. Suddenly I realized I must have left them in the car. Frantically, I headed for the parking lot. My husband has warned me many times about leaving the keys in the ignition. My theory is the ignition is the best place not to lose them. His theory is that the car will be stolen.
    As I scanned the parking lot I came to a terrifying conclusion! His theory was right. The parking lot was empty. I immediately called the police. I gave them my location, confessed that I had left my keys in the car, and that it had been stolen. Then I made the most difficult call of all.
    "Hello My Love," I stammered. I always call him "My Love" in times like these. "I left my keys in the car, and it has been stolen."
    There was a period of silence. I thought the call had disconnected, but then I heard his voice. He was not happy as he said, "I dropped you off!"
    Now it was my time to be silent. Embarrassed, I said, "Well, please come and get me."
    He responded, "I will, as soon as I convince this policeman that I didn't steal your car!"

  5. I think your bumblebee buttons are whimsical and cute! If you can't have a little fun with it once in awhile, why bother sewing? Besides, buttons are easy to swap out if you ever change your mind. Those colors would not work for me (I need either jewel colors or earth tones) but I like the yellow accents on the black-and-white print very much. Some of the Craftsy instructors put me to sleep, but there are many good ones, too. I *love* Suzy Furrer's pattern drafting classes! I buy them the minute a new one comes out.

  6. I LOVE the bee buttons on that fabric. And I LOVE your videos. And I don't mean to be pushing or a know-it-all, but if you are planning on losing lots of
    weight you go get a check up from a doctor first. Especially at your age. I'm 59 and I think weight gain and loss can effect older people different. Just saying.
    I plan to do lots more sewing this year too.

  7. Hi Joy, Sorry you are down in the dumps, I'm sure you know this will pass over time, but sometimes it takes time. You are always such a vibrant person and I hate that you are going through this.
    On the other hand, I love your new top and the buttons are perfect. You are an inspiration to me and I always enjoy your posts and your videos. Sometimes I go back and back again
    Carol Ann


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Hugs, Joy