
Friday, February 20, 2015

Look at Me NOW!

I am being totally giddy today.

Watch my video, and you will see why.

I have to go back downstairs.  I have been up here for over two hours becoming an Herbalife salesperson so I can sell Herbalife to my friend, Margaret.  She was having a hard time getting it.  I can order it for myself now too.  Much easier!

Anyway, when I got home about noon today, Jackie and Josie DASHED into their back yard at the speed of lightning.  I have not given them any food yet.  There was some out there, but it is a week old.  Of course, they eat mud and trees and turtles.  What DIFFERENCE does it make if the food is a week old???

I'll be back soon.

Maybe I'll share a shake with you after while.  Jerry is going to drink them with me.

They are REALLY good although a bit gritty.

Everyone needs some grit these days, although I can't say how "true" it is.

I think maybe it is the same thing as "True Fiber"!

Hugs, Joy


  1. Joy, you are such a joy to watch. I'm so glad you're feeling better. You always brighten up my day. I've finally gotten my mojo back and have been cutting and sewing again. I have my patterns organized, thanks to you and Phylly and I have my new cutting room set up. It's small but it works. Thanks again and I hope you reach your goal on the weight. I'm trying to lose 10 lbs but not having any luck. But then again I don't try too hard. haha

  2. Joy, I am so HAPPY that you are giddy. I have been praying that this would happen. You two are just both wonderful people. I just love your new blouse with the bee buttons. It just looks like spring and yes it will be here soon. There is a Herbalife store in Noble. My daughter has a friend that owns it. I know it works but like anything else you have to follow the program. Have a wonderful weekend, and just keep on smiling.

  3. Aloha Joy,
    So nice to see you smiling and happy again. Love your blouse with the b buttons. You inspire me. I made two hawaiian print (black and white) summer blouse this week. Like you I have work next week. It will be my first job in the Island since 2009. My sewing will suffer. Oh! Well I need more sewing machines....

    Thanks for sharing. Some day you may tell us more about the mission dresses. I love making dresses for charity.

    Have a great Sunday. Keep on smiling

    Josie the human

  4. Hi Joy, I knew as soon as you said you were giddy and happy what happened. I'm so glad for you. The bumble bee blouse looks great.

    I've been trying since the new year to loose the 7 pounds I gained between Thanksgiving and Christmas. I will loose a few pounds then pack it back on. I really need a jumpstart to help. I would even like to loose an additional 5-10 more pounds just to get rid of a little midriff bulge. I've done it before and that's the weight I feel at my best. Since you are starting to sell Herbalite, I would love it if you could send me a brochure of he flavors and directions. I've looked all over the internet and haven't been able to find any information.

    If you would send me a PM thru Facebook I will send you my home and email addresses. I'm unable to get into my google email account just now so don't send it to that email addy.

    I would appreciate it, Thank you Carol Ann

    1. I just googled "herbalife" and a lot came up. Or you can go to, and some things come up. I can sure tell you what I am doing. I will video the next shake I make today and post it in my next blog post. If you would like to try what I am using, I can ship it to you. You will have to pay me with a check though because I can't take a credit card. I just sent some to my friend Margaret. I have fixed her two shakes/smoothies, and she loves them. You have to exercise too, and the ONE meal a day has to be a healthy meal. Not hard for me. Watch for my next post.

      Hugs, Joy

    2. Oh! Forgot to tell you. I THINK I sent you a PM from Facebook. I'm not the greatest on FB.

  5. Hi Joy,
    I am so glad for you. It is good to see you happy again. You are one of the most positive people I know and I wish I was your neighbor as we would hang together all the time. I love what you said in your video as I have said that to so many others in my 60 years of life. I am one of those people that always sees the glass half full and not half empty. I have always lived my life to accept people for who they are unconditionally because as you say no one is without issues in their life. I will continue to pray for you and your friend and I hope we see you together again in your videos. Good friends are very hard to come by and she is lucky to have you as her friend. I think she might know that now.

    1. Thanks Deborah.
      Actually, the whole disagreement had to do with my business where she works. It was a very small thing to me, but her feelings were hurt when I suddenly became her boss for the first time ever. Thank God, it is over now. I really don't like being a boss, but when you own the place, you have no choice. )-: I'm so glad we made up because I bought her a birthday present and I did not want to return it because I know she will love it. Her birthday is next Saturday.
      Hugs, Joy

  6. Joy, I love watching your videos. I would love to be as happy as you are. I would love to find out more about Herbalife. Can I get it from you?


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Hugs, Joy