
Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Hello From a Tired Quilter

I have been so busy quilting Kissed by the Sun, I almost forgot I have a blog!  I'm not sure I like what I did today, but it is done, and I'm not ripping it out.  I'll show you, of course, when it is all done.  I still have two borders and the background in the sunflowers to do.

I was doing ruler work today, and my machine was NOT cooperating!  It wasn't the machine actually -- it was the table.  When you do ruler work, you need a flat surface underneath the quilt and something to press on.  So, someone invented a tool for that, and I have it.  It is an acrylic table, sort of, that sits on top of the sewing arm.  The problem is, it is kind of thick, and if you get too far up near the top, the thing bumps and stalls; and if you get too near the bottom, the thing bumps and stalls.  I ripped out stitches all day long!

As I near the end, I usually hate whatever I'm sewing or quilting, but I usually love it later.  Let's hope that holds true!

Some of you may recall I got a new car at Christmas time because I needed something my two big dogs could ride in.

My Toyota Camry has been for sale ever since.  A lady called today saying she had CASH, and she wants to come see it tomorrow.  Only problem is, the Toyota isn't here.  It is at the other house.  Poor Jerry had to make another overnight trip up there to switch cars and bring the Toyota back here.  Sure hope the lady buys it!  Too many cars.

I think I might go back upstairs now that I've had dinner and finished the laundry.  I have several jewelry patterns I want to try out.

Be back soon!

Hugs, Joy


  1. Sure hope you sell your car and get that off your list. Can't wait to see the quilt when it's done. Don't know where you find the time.

  2. Miss Joy, Have you bought the new and improved SFD books. I got the email from Glenda describing the updated and expanded illustrations and instructions, but there were no pictures. I don't have problems with the current books, but more information and guidance is always welcome. Have you ought them? What do you think? Thanks, Carol.

    1. Hi Carol,
      Funny you should ask! I JUST bought them yesterday. Haven't gotten them yet. Will let you know how I like them when they arrive.
      Hugs, Joy

    2. Thanks! I am sitting at the computer with all the books in the purchase basket and popped back to you to see if you had responded. We are both going to find out!! I have a question about a technique you have mastered but I am still fussing with. I have successfully mastered the rounded back alteration in most of what I make, but I cannot get (duh!) the shoulder adjustment. Blouses roll to the back, raising the neckline and bottom hem awkwardly. I am always having to pull down the hem. Okay!...........which way does the shoulder seam need adjustment. Length to the front? Length to the back? I know one is shortened and one lengthened, but so far, with all possibilities, its a no go. I don't know what kind of math is involved in the amount of adjustment. Stuck, totally stuck. Best to you all and the pups!! Thanks, CBD


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Hugs, Joy